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Everything posted by Jaznap

  1. Last evening me and two of my friends were playing DayZ and decided to go to check out green mountain while we were heading towards Pustoshka. The ingame clock was around 2-3 am so it was very dark and the approach was going very smoothly over the open plains around the green mountain. We made it to the forest itself from SE direction, we were approaching on the south side of the road towards the center (but ofcourse from the woods). We saw the zombies spawn when we reached the fence. So we knew there was no one else, atleast not in the tower itself. As it was very dark and I did not want to carry a chemstick on me, I started to throw them around, over the fence to the yard and to the road, those blue ones so we could see a bit better since we do not have nightvision goggles. As I was throwing my 4th chemstick, there was a single shot fired from a gun very nearby (it also made the sound when it hits the ground), one of my friends got the "shock" display on his UI. And by very nearby I mean that originally I though it was one of us or something. It was a sniper rifle sound. Me & other friend was carrying AKM's and the third friend was carrying CZ550 but was equiping his pistol on that point. No way it would actually be one of our weapons (just did not realize it at that point). We really didn't react to this immediatly as we though at first that it was weird but some of us must have shot that single shot... right? The zombies started to rush, so we had to pull back ASAP and did not have time to discuss about that event. After we were able to lose the zombies we started to talk about it. My friend said that there appeared a weird black thin on screen at the ground, but it was too dark to see. We all checked our weapons. We had only full clips. There was no way any of us would have take that shot. At this point we actually noticed that the sound did not match to any of our currently equiped weapons and CZ550 sounds different in my opinion. Also I noticed that all my chemlights had been exhausted already even though it was no more than 5minutes when I throw them. There was also no one who could have extingued it since we certainly would have spotted the player. At this point I noticed that some sort of smoke was going on from my shoulder, it was weird. Very weird. We quickly then went inside the gates, checked the surroundings & tower it self and found some loot, nothing special, but the loot was there still. Only making us to wonder more that what actually just happened no evidence of any players been there for awhile. We quickly moved out and went in the north side forest to check out the nearby deer stand when we noticed some weird lights coming from the forest behind us, near the tower. Almost as if it was a flashlight... but we all had a bit different direction where it would come from (and it was not a clear cone of light like it uses to be with flashlight but random spots getting very lighted while other remaining dark). We did not hear thing and decided it's time to move out. Too bad I did not fraps it, it was very.... weird. So WHO WAS IT! WHO MESSED US UP?! edit1: fixed some typoes and made it a bit more easy to read and follow... I hope :D edit2: cleared a bit how close the single shot actually came from... VERY close FYI: this was a real, authentic weird moment over there, this is not made up.
  2. Vitamins, this is picked from twitter: Ivan Petrovic ‏@IvanPetrovic6 16. joulukuuta @rocket2guns So, my vision is all blurry. I've drank, eaten, and tried bandages, but haven't been hit that much. Wat do. Dean Hall ‏@rocket2guns 16. joulukuuta @IvanPetrovic6 You might have an infection. Look for antibiotics, vitamins, fruits, alcohol disinfectant etc... So vitamins has a chance to help with infection. This also conciders for Antibiotics -------------- Shovel is atleast working as a melee weapon. ------------- Charcoal, you find from this topic: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154588-help-with-vomiting/?hl=vitamin#entry1550577 Reply from Rocket2Guns: Charcoal tablets help, if you have them. Otherwise try and figure out why he might have been sick. Correlate that with other symptoms, and make a deduction as to what best to do. If you do vomit, drink when you can to regain fluids. So charcoal will help with vomiting. ------------- Rope: by applying it to a burlap sack, you can craft a backbag out of it, source: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154859-anyone-know-what-rope-is-used-for/ ------------- Matchbox: used to create a fireplace, source, wiki: http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Box_of_Matches -------------
  3. Jaznap

    Green Mt.

    what?! :o creepy Do you mean that the sounds came near from the corpses on the ground or? The military building or the small building next to the enterance of the tower itself? Gotta visit there again sometime...
  4. Jaznap

    Green Mt.

    Yeah, I forgot the topics name where the morse code was actually translated. It said something about everyone being dead over there and they were unable to quarantine. There was also a part on that morse code where the message said that it would be sended hourly automated if the operators were dead or not responding. So yeah, definately fishy things going over there. Sad, the topic was so interesting and there was a other things on that topic. Something about certain coordinates that actually would guide you to deer stands etc. There was somebody thinking if this morse code would be kind of a message to avoid green mountain and guide survivors over certain areas to gather equipment. This would hint that why there are weapons in deerstands, military backup locations for equipment or something like that.
  5. Jaznap

    I'm gonna help everyone I can...

    The game might not, but how about the players? Maybe the game tells more of yourself than you actually want to know :) Just saying... ;)
  6. Jaznap

    I'm gonna help everyone I can...

    Good luck! And have my can of :beans: Maybe people will pick up on this and someday... someday we could cheer to see another player instead of being afraid we could be cheerful and trust if the other player responds to your "friendly?" question "yes".
  7. Jaznap

    August 1 Update? My A%#

    Yeah, easy fix: disable post processing and change your video memory to default. This has fixed the graphic issue now for 5 of my friends.
  8. Jaznap

    Green Mt.

    All reports of weird things happening has been at night. Haven't seen a single weird report to happen at day, nor there has not been anything special for me either (been there quite a few times). Pick up a friend (a trustworthy who is not up for scaring you up) and try then if night feels to frightening.
  9. Jaznap

    Green Mt.

    Good luck out there, I hope you find something nice/scary. I'm curious to see what you could record over there, let us know :) Try around midnight or something like that server time?
  10. Jaznap

    Green Mt.

    There is something fishy at GM Read about it from here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/57907-weird-stuff-happening-at-green-mountain/#entry552209 yes, it's my own post and yes it's shameless self promoting ;) but it was very weird Another good topic about GM: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62330-the-myth-of-green-mountain/ Seems that I'm not the onlyone who has had freaky moments over there ;) aaaand more here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/723-i-found-a-radio/ Enjoy
  11. Jaznap

    Would you kill the unarmed?

    No, I would not kill unarmed player. I would check if I would hear the heartbeat sound when looking at him and would not turn my back. You never know for sure (paranoia)...
  12. as stated, run arma2 combined operations BEFORE dayz
  13. Jaznap

    The Myth of Green Mountain

    Now you absolutely have to tell us what did you see or ehat did happenover there?!? I had my spooky and scary moment over there, but it was nothing I could see... Read about it from my post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/57907-weird-stuff-happening-at-green-mountain/#entry552209 I actually hesitate to go back there, I'm curioous but would my heart take that kind of scary moment? Most likely not. So please, tell me/us, post huge spoiler warnings on your post but Pretty please, tell the rest of the tale!
  14. I read few other topics about GM. There has been few other mentions (and someone mentioned this earlier on this topic as well) of gun shot in the area. They have been pretty similiar. Random gun shot from really close. I'm also wondering about the reports of radio, giving weird noises around GM, are they true or is it a legend/folk tale? I though that the radios was not working at all. Castun told on his post that his friend got infected on the mountain. He is not the only one to mention this to happen. Weird stuff indeed :D
  15. Aight, let's make a deal. You go up there at night and let's see who you are gonna call :D If you are able anymore, that is....
  16. Sad to hear the occurence, but nice to see some action. This actully makes me to concider to switch up my main server over to yours after it is back online! Very nice to see that people are trying their best with actual actions! See you over there after server is back!
  17. Weird.... very weird. Anyone else having strange occurence over the green mountain? :D possible, but would not just confirm by this, it could have been something else and I would like to discuss about it as well :) Who knows, just sound bug + something else clitches or something. Still, I'm very intrigued about this
  18. beats me, that nightly run over there was weird and scary. Got all three of us wondering and puzzled (scared as well). I have been there few times earlier during the day but it was nothing special... but that time... oh boy.... Try it out Try setting video memory to "default" (not normal, don't mix up it with this setting) and disable post-proxessing, this fixed artifacts for me (on longer game you need to flush sometimes though).
  19. Jaznap

    What a h**king joke...

    Yeah too bad, but you few suggestion how to die out there. Still, very bad luck and I understand your anger. Nope, hackers are around and really there is no way to be 100% safe from them. Remember, this (anti-)game is no where near to be released and the engine is so open, so the hackers can easily develop their tools for the trade It's frustrating, but the game itself is so fun and addictive that the game balances itself out even though all the challenges, hackers and bugs are around. Well, could be a bit nicer. It's a harsh landing for a challenging game. You did use that money for ARMA2+expansion, you can't claim you used them for DayZ. No way, this mod is on it's alpha phase. It is still, very unfortunate that there is hackers. You will not get refund from steam, that is stupid even to think about :) Since you can't claim that the game is broken when ARMA2 itself works great. And the game is worth of the praises. Just calm down and move on. I have died on the hackers few times and every time, it has been very frustrating. Still, unlucky and unfortunate. Too bad there is no options for this except just to wait until you die or try to find land by random direction. You might as swim to some direction and to hope that you find ground or go out of bounds.
  20. Anyone know what might have happened to chemlights? All 4 were extinguished that I was able to throw around... Do they bug out on ground or?
  21. What do you mean by that? Some errors in the text? Edited it a bit. Now the theme song is stuck on head, cheers :D Who knows, but would not jump in to the conclusion. Can they cause shock status to player or make zombies to run towards them? Hehe, I hope you upload a video to the youtube then. IT BETTER NOT BE "3 noobs being scared by me in green mountains" :D Already stated about the smoke earlier quote. The gunshot, nobody would miss on that close and there is no way we could not have seen him, even though it was dark. Way too close. The light did not stand out on flashlight, since it was different... it is hard to explain, why I did not record it :( That's weird as well :D did you notice it on the same game or after logging back in? The devil is scared of green mountain too? ;) heh, by this what I have experienced, it should be! But on the occasion, we have been talking about this with my friend now. We were thinking about it that could it have been on the voice that someone would have been trying to scare us? But how did the zombies agro to us? How did bullet hole (since something appeared on the ground) come from? What was that smoke on my screen, made by my character over the shoulder (not smoke grenade, very small cloud of smoke). How about that light we saw? That was very weird as well.
  22. The smoke coming out of my char's shoulder, and it was a very very small, nope, not a smoke grenade. And the shot came from extremly close, I should have mentioned that on my first post and I will edit it. We all thought that some of us did, so I mean "that" close. No way you could miss by that range. Could have come from tower, but why would have the Z's start to rush toward us? I tell you, it was a real, authentic weird happening, not just a "scary tale" And those lights? graphical bug? nope, not like that, but still something I havent seen in my whole dayz experience and if it was a bug, how we could all have seen it pretty much similiarry and around the same area, but not the same places?
  23. Jaznap

    Seriously Pissed off!

    well, the engine is what it is, too open unfortunately. And there is nothing that can be done to that from dayz side and since bohemia is doing arma3 there will not be that much of suppoet from their side. admin tools are not ehough as they cant access to all vital data what is happening on the server until the game has been ruined to pret much every player there. The global banning is done by the battleye, but.... well.... it is sad, nonetheless actually anti-game, by Rocket
  24. Jaznap

    texture gliches

    It is called artifacting and there are few topics around here, the next patch when it comes should fix it. Before it, open the game (but do not join server) and go to video options, advanced and select video memory as "default" that is something that helped me & three of my friends (and a lot more regarding earlier posts). Also you can turn off postprocessing which has been reported to help in few cases. Then shut down the game and re-open and it should work. I hope this "quick" fix will help you as well :) Edit: edited the quick fix guide a bit
  25. sigh, so you just gave up and act like them to get pleasure out of killing people who absolutely had nothing to do with your bad session? That's smart! .... oh wait... NO! Get your act together and be smart about it.