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About Stinglock

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Hello everyone! Guess who? Please, point a gun at me if it helps you relax. You're only human.

    I have been waiting a good 10-15 years for an online game like this.
    Rockets' vision is the vision of what a true zombie survival game should be.

    I have a deep appreciation for mods/modding over the last 10 years in the HL and HL2 engines, fresh to arma/arma2.

    Oh, and I enjoy playing at night time. Come at me bro.
  1. Stinglock

    Water Purification [MAYBE NOT SOLVED]

    I haven't been sick from water, the wiki and various sources say it's not in yet and if you drink from wells and canned drinks it won't be a problem even when they do add it back in. Trust me ...
  2. Stinglock

    bad version server rejected

    Check your version, and the version of the server you are connecting to. Perhaps let us know what version you are running and trying to connect to? I read a few things before getting this game saying stuff like that would happen, did you skip over that? Oh and if you're sick stop eating the rotten fruit.
  3. Total badass story. Would read again 10/10
  4. Stinglock


    Omg, I think you might be hey? I mean, I did a search and founnd noooothiiinnnnggg about that here.
  5. Stinglock

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    That link shows the following specs... I'll post them here for your convience. HP Pavilion dv7-6b86us C6N19UA Notebook PC - 2nd generation Intel Core i7-2630QM 2.0GHz, 8GB DDR3, 750GB HDD, DVDRW, AMD Radeon HD 6490M, 17.3" Display, Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit And the requirements are found on the official site.. http://www.arma2.com/customer-support/support_en.html So after you take your current hardware, the optimal, you can see it will run it, and on a good setting, with high fps more than likely. If you really want thos specifics, then very high, and 60.
  6. Stinglock

    Night time

    Rofl, advising them 'to turn their brightness down' won't modify the night/day cycle of a private hive server in the slightest. Try reading before you write next time. Oh and back OT, I recall seeing something posted a while back about changes to the cycle not being allowed, I guess that changes with private hives so maybe a script or something from another hive owner that has set this up. Anyways, good luck making it easier.
  7. So the challenge of survival is too challenging for you in this zombie survival mod? I am sorry to hear that........ If you do keep playing, respawn and try getting supplies before you get that low, you will stand a better chance of survival and then you simply only need to find animals as matches last forever.
  8. Stinglock

    Beware of this man

    Actually, what server do you play on? I could do with a free set of nvgs too
  9. Well, at least this negative moment on a single server you encountered prompted you to signup to the forums and make a post. Hey there.
  10. Stinglock

    Beware of this man

    You're new here right? Seems like he wanted a set of nvgs more than you, and was prepared to go though some effort to get it without paying. Considering you have more than enough stockpiled it seems like it was a win win situation and you didn't really loose out at all.
  11. Oh, wow, it would be a fun job to field all the restore complains during a beta. I think someone got a bit attached to his character.
  12. Stinglock

    Kicked from EVERY game

    10 hours? I know exacting files from archives is a big of an advanced pc computer technique, but now that they have already been extracted once it should be easier for you the second time. You will notice the files and folders already exist, all you have to do is replace the files with the new ones you downloaded. The fix as has been said before is to manually install the patch. If this really is too hard after what I have said above then I'd suggest completely uninstalling and then re-installing ARMA2 ARMA2OA and Dayz or get a COMPUTER friend to remotely connect and extract the files for you.
  13. Stinglock


    So much cred in this thread. Anyone else want to signup a new account to continue the circlejerk?
  14. Stinglock

    Direct Chat not working in some servers

    What is more likely is that the server isn't running the beta patch. Find another server that does. Try looking at the server names.
  15. Stinglock

    Who "owns" Day Z?

    Not that. You think? Are you sure you only think you 'this' his idea? I don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with the fact dayz is a free mod. I'd personally go with a I KNOW RITE OMG