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Everything posted by Bakst

  1. Bakst

    Into the mind of a bandit.

    Chandler, u r quoting my fav movie of all time, ever. Beans for that :) "If I was half the man I was twenty years ago I'd take a FLAME THROWER to this place!!!!" Pacino ftw
  2. Bakst

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    What a fantastic idea, a full-time medical corps! Too bad I play on German servers, but I'm hoping this kind of thinking will spread across the community. I really like the idea of setting up some kind of safe zone, but until base-building gets introduced that's gonna be hard to pull off effectively. A paramilitary police force might be useful tho. Anyway I'm drifting here, keep up the good work Doc :)
  3. Greetings, fellow survivors! I'm new to Arma2 and bought the game because I wanted to play DayZ (like so many of you). I'm so glad I did, because I love the vanilla game just as much as I love DayZ. In fact, Arma/DayZ has rekindled my interest in the fps genre! Anyway getting to the point of this post, I feel that ArmA has a pretty steep learning curve, and I often found myself alt-tabbing to the instruction manual (steam/pdf) during the SP campaigns. I ended up more or less reading the whole thing, and I wanted to share some of of the general info it contains because I find it useful for DayZ survival. By the way, this is not meant to be a complete how-to beginner's guide, but just a few excerpts from the manual that I thought might be useful. I'm not including default key mappings or basic game mechanics, but you can get the full manual at http://cdn.steampowe...A2OA_manual.pdf and http://cdn.steampowe...2_Manual_US.pdf (I'm quoting from the latter, not OA). Here goes the copy & paste fest: So when you sometimes lose your pack in the water, it's not a bug but actually a deliberate design in the original game! I was surprised to find that out. Well that's about it. Some of this stuff is only indirectly relevant in DayZ -- for example, there's much more stealth involved in DayZ, and your priorities are entirely different than on the battlefield -- but on the whole I think it's a pretty good set of tips for beginning players like myself, and I hope some of you also find it useful :)
  4. lol :) my fav is the one that goes, "Anything you do can get you killed, including nothing." So true :) Btw, when I said that a few noobs might profit from the info, I was speaking from 1st-hand experience hehe. Although I've currently survived for well over 2 hrs on the coast (in & around Elektro). A lot can happen in 2 hrs...
  5. Bakst

    I am having a good time

    Keep it up, sounds like you're a tough survivor :) I crawled to the hospital in Elektro with 182 blood left earlier today, thought I was dead meat for sure, but ended up making a new friend, getting a blood transfusion and leg cast and hightailing it outta there. Loads of fun!
  6. Bakst

    Into the mind of a bandit.

    PS: I always use DC in these situations. I don't care that it attracts unwanted attention, it's such an amazing feature in DayZ and the only real way to engage someone on a personal level. I hope that they eventually develop it into a more sophisticated feature with different levels of speaking, i.e. whispering, normal speaking voice, and yelling. That would be awesome.
  7. Bakst

    Into the mind of a bandit.

    Stick with that attitude, man, you've got it right IMO. I play the same way. Of course, you always have to be careful, but you can work with someone for a while without ever fully trusting them, just part ways eventually to avoid the inevitable conflict. Either that or decide that you can trust them. It's the beauty of this game!
  8. the sight leveling stats are pretty useful to know, and i was also surprised that losing shit in the water is part of the game design. otherwise, this stuff is pretty basic, but maybe useful to a few noobs :)
  9. Bakst

    Deaf Gamer

    What an interesting question. I'd say sound plays an important role in this game, especially during crunch situations like nearby gunfire or nearby aggroed zeds going "urggh" and "aarerrrr" :) It's pretty scary actually. I'd say DayZ is playable without sound, but to get the complete experience you'd have to have visual cues to replace the aural ones (icons or something). Let me ask you this, how do you think you would act in a real-world zombie apocalypse scenario -- do you have ways of compensating for the lack of hearing? It would be amazing for this kind of thing to be built into the game.