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Everything posted by Bakst

  1. Bakst

    F-ing with noobs

    what's with all the harsh comments? it sounds pretty funny to me =) after all, they actually let him go in the end (although maybe some free medical treatment would have been in order, OP, seeing that you roughed him up so much that he later succumbed to his wounds lol). besides, this guy had no gear and nothing to lose, and if he was raiding elektro then surely he was aware of the risks. noob sniping is one thing but this was a spur of the moment sort of gag. have some beans, from one bandit to another.
  2. Bakst

    Is it wrong to build up a camp?

    ...just me and my little friend, Mr. AKM =D
  3. Bakst

    Is it wrong to build up a camp?

    camps are most certainly legit, but also risky as you have now learned the hard way ;) not only because of scripters but also because people like to comb through the northern forests looking for camps like yours to raid when no one is looking. the difference of course is that the latter is fair game, while the former is the worst kind of cheating. that really sux, sorry you lost 20 hours of work to a scripter, but it's like the others said above: i'm afraid this happens all the time and there's no point in getting too upset about it. if you had fun doing your thing during those 20 h, then mission accomplished regardless of the outcome :) it's a shame this mod is so vulnerable to scripting, but there it is. btw, the devs are building the standalone game from the ground up, so it will be much tighter because they can remove all the ArmA features that are not needed in DayZ; that way, there will be fewer possible exploits in the code, or so the thinking goes. contrast that with the DayZ mod, which was awkwardly packed into a complex military sim game and was not conceived for such a large number of players and servers. still... it's one thing to have some bugs, such as tents not saving properly, but these cheaters are a very serious threat imo. i was playing regularly with a friend IRL, we were a solid team, but after some kind of script was run on him he has been unable to join any server! (not a global ban... it's a long story). he is so pissed off that he doesn't even want to troubleshoot anymore :( so i'm on my own now. boo hoo! hehe
  4. Bakst

    {ukt} recruiting

    nice rollin with you guys the other day (even tho we got killed by a damn script). gonna play lone wolf on another server for a while, maybe i'll join u again in a few days if that's cool
  5. Bakst

    {ukt} recruiting

    UK Troops, got it
  6. Bakst

    {ukt} recruiting

    hey i can't reach anyone on TS, the dayz channel is p/w protected and no one seems to hear me roar... ;)
  7. I guess also I never fully realized just how dangerous Stary Sobor & Zelenogorsk can be. Even on a low to medium-pop server, those places seem to be infested with snipers and other tooled-up bandits, at least on the Veteran servers I like to play on. Especially with Stary being in a valley surrounded by deer stands and so close to the Southern death zone... you can die any time in that PvP heaven :) Edit: I mention Stary because I got sniped again in a similar way as described above, except this time trying to escape Stary =D
  8. ROFL!! your DC comments are freakin epic man... "[PEW PEW PEW] no no no no wait don't do it remember I've got some kids, lots of kids ... i don't want them to be orphans they'll be like batman and shit" man that was hilarious! okay the fact that you were killed by a scripter is perhaps not so amusing but overall, I'm pretty sure you made the best of the situation =D "nonono I have ten kids!" :) :) i also like "no, my legs! njarg"
  9. Bakst

    {ukt} recruiting

    ps what is "ukt" supposed to mean? =)
  10. Bakst

    Magic Schoolbus

    btw too bad you couldn't capture it on video or screenshot, i've never seen such a thing! (i believe you tho, anything is possible)
  11. Bakst

    {ukt} recruiting

    hi marb, my chara recently died and now I was thinking of gearing up and joining a group for some tactical bandit squad action. I usually play with a RL friend who might want to join me (us?) eventually too, although i can't say for sure. in any case, i'm not sure what exactly you're looking for so i'll try to give you a brief description of myself with what i hope is relevant info: - i'm in Berlin, Germany (CEST/UTC+2), 30yo, speak native English & German; my name is Alex :) - i have a headset and good PC rig (phenom ii 980 quad at 3.7ghz, radeon hd 6900, 8gb ram) with an okay internet connection (2mbit); - i've got like 2 or 3 months of on-and-off experience playing DayZ (DE and GB servers) and ArmA now; i'm familiar with all the game mechanics - my DayZ playing style is perhaps best described as a deep-recon survivalist bandit: i like to scout and then raid high-value targets -- preferably with PvP encounters to spice it up -- but i usually play it safe with stealth and speed if i can help it. i'd probably best serve a squad in a recon role or as designated marksman, or to begin with maybe support/corpsman -- depends what i find when i gear up! :) - i'm a decent shot with both sidearms and rifles; i know how to use mildots & zeroing; i can read a compass & map; and i'm a pretty good driver actually, including helicopters. - i don't hesitate to kill, but if i encounter someone who says they're friendly i'm inclined to believe them unless they're heavily armed or otherwise acting suspicious. i dislike killing medics or noobs, but if the mission demands it i'm not one to cry :) - team work is always so much more fun than lone-wolf style, even though i've done both (no real squad experience tho, only me and my mate so far). - i try to keep my character alive for as long as i can, but i don't get upset when death comes (it always does!). okay that's a lot of info... what do you think should we give it a try? shall i hop on your ts server? :) i need to gear up first so maybe if you're innerested we could meet up tmrw evening or sthg. give me a shout
  12. Bakst

    Magic Schoolbus

    hahaha w. t. f. that's a weird story :P hackers suck, they are never to be trusted. was it this theme song? --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG3ieifrqyQ
  13. I took a very similar route recently, was satisfied after finding an M1014 plus ammo, food & drink, and the basic tools. I had to log off so I lay prone in the little patch of woods north of where the power line ends and branches off west of Zelenogorsk. I logged back on later, it was dusk so I began to sneak out of the city and headed for the treeline. Crawling through the open field to avoid zeds, I was suddenly sniped. The end. I probably should crouch-run/walk more and not crawl so much. Lesson learned...
  14. Bakst

    Blogging DayZ

    most excellent narrative! my beans all all yours
  15. alright everyone calm down the guy is just looking for some ppl to play with, no need to get all nasty about it. he was advertising the skills he has, if you don't wanna join up then just don't post.
  16. Bakst

    Come At Me Bros!!!

    hey Scrump I think you should make it more of a challenge, most bandits aren't into shooting sitting ducks; they're in it for the hunt! maybe barricade yourself at Devil's Castle and then have em come at you, it would be a fun stand-off :)
  17. Bakst

    Come At Me Bros!!!

    but... why?
  18. Bakst

    Awesome Loot

    I once experienced almost exactly the same thing. Middle of the forest, there's this crashed heli still on fire, no z'd and the player corpse beside it has an AS50, ALICE pack, NWG, all the essentials... the works. shortly after that I find another site just like it, and at that point of course it's obvious that this is not legit. I had some fun with the gear and then died, which was almost a relief because it's more fun to work for your gear!
  19. Bakst

    Hunted down by hackers.

    interesting theory, I've wondered myself if scripters are able to scope out players on a server by location, gear, etc. *before* they decide who to hack and how. I think in your case it's probably just coincidence, but then again if you killed someone multiple times and that someone happened to be a hacker, he might conceivably haunt you with his scripts for a while, who knows; anything is possible in this crazy alpha environment. as for the exploding hospital, i don't think you need a hacker script for that: someone would only have had to spawn in the hospital down below with satchel charges and... BOOM! maybe another coincidence (could have been a legit spawn, altho then blowing up the building is a shitty thing to do), or maybe someone was server hopping with satchel charges. bottom line: at 10 percent, your share of "illegitimate" deaths is well within the mean. it's something we have to accept until the standalone is ready.
  20. By the way dude, where did you grow up that you were clearing all these wire fences -- Nevada? the Outback? one of the former Yugoslav republics? :) Agree with you 100% of course, barbed wire shouldn't be insurmountable on foot (and neither should tank traps for that matter).
  21. Haha yeah I'm on it =P I hear ya. To make blockades/wires work, the whole issue of loot spawns and server hopping needs to be further addressed; I suspect they're working on it as we speak. I think if you make all barricades passable even without tools (albeit with significant slow-down and risk of injury) then that solves most problems. Maybe also introduce some element of "decay" so that barricades fall apart over time.
  22. Bakst

    Hacker revealed himself

    That's sound policy, good to know that's how admins see it. Only once have I come across (what I assume was) hacked/scripted-in gear, a month or two ago. I spawned in the woods where I had left off -- on Berlin 36 I think it was, a server I'm on sometimes -- and not far from my position I spotted a massive fire, so I checked it out carefully. It turned out to be a crashed heli and there was a corpse there, this guy had everything: AS50, NVG, RF, the works; no thermal scope tho, so I couldn't really tell if it was legit or not and just counted my blessings, took the stuff and moved on. Shortly after that I came across yet another crashed heli, and that's when I really started to suspect a hack. Point of the story is, I had some fun with the gear but it wasn't really satisfying because in the back of my mind was this feeling that it couldn't possibly be legit. In the end, a team of four guys spawned on my position -- that seemed odd, to say the least -- I killed two of them and then got brained myself :) It was better that way tbh. Speaking of hacks, is it theoretically possible for a scripter to take control of a player's in-game character? A friend thinks this may have happened to him yesterday, but we can't be sure, it could have been some kind of hardware failure on his end. The end result was that he gunned me down and wound up inexplicably dead himself. This guy is a friend IRL and we move as a team, he's 100% reliable as far as that goes so I can rule out an ambush. Has anyone experienced this? Hope I'm not hijacking the thread with my question, will start a new thread if it gets out of hand ;)
  23. quick follow-up: tweaks might be along the lines of changing how loot spawns inside "occupied" buildings, and definitely changing the way players and zombies pass over wire fences. It's like DonkiiPunch says above: