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Everything posted by Bakst

  1. Bakst

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Great news!! God I enjoyed reading this. Pretty excited about the fact that they're working with Steam. Also, "the controls have been completely rethought" ... so many good changes coming!!
  2. Bakst

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I was actually discussing the idea of a single-player mode (I'm avoiding the term "campaign" here) in a different thread, I think it was ruarz' suggestions thread. Personally I think it would be great to have the option to host a single-player game on your local machine, just like in Minecraft, where you can play alone on a localhost server. This would give newbies some time to familiarize themselves with the controls and game mechanics in a closed environment, and it might just be fun to hunt some zeds from time to time without fear of other players. Of course, the real action would always happen on MP servers, but as long as your SP character cannot be ported to a MP game (to prevent people from gearing up in SP and then kicking ass in MP), I see absolutely no reason why we can't have a SP localhost option.
  3. Don't get me wrong, I like your idea of having base fortifications above ground, but apparently it cannot be done because there would be too many player-created objects on the map, which would slow even the best servers down to a crawling speed. That's why they're talking about underground base construction, as I understand it.
  4. Nice ideas, but the part I quoted above will not work. Let me explain why. When base building gets introduced, it's going to be underground, so there will be no fortifications at ground level. This is because you can "instance" it, which means that instead of having a gazillion little camps cluttering up the landscape above, Chernarus will be full of hidden entrances to underground bases that load in a separate instance, or world, so they don't load on the DayZ map. That seems to be the only way it will work from a technical point of view, from what I have read about it. (These are the facts according to Rocket & Co.) Zombies may still be able to get in, and certainly other players can get in if they find your entrance, so you would still need to build traps, fortifications, and defenses, but it will have to be underground.
  5. That would be excellent! By extension, you'd have potentially geared-up survivor/bandit/hero zeds running around the landscape. However, it would also mean that player bodies would despawn faster if they got up and ran away from any nearby players (remember, zombie spawns are processed on the client machines, not the server). But that would be fine imo, I've never been too fond of dying and then being able to run back to your body after respawning on the coast... it's just a bit too game-y if you know what I mean, and it detracts from the finality of death in DayZ. If your squad is able to loot your dead body for you, mazel tov, but you shouldn't be able to loot your own corpse.
  6. Bakst

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Exactly, just cos I'm excited about the initial alpha release of the SA doesn't mean I expect the full experience straight out of the box. No, in fact I anticipate quite a few bugs, and I'm also perfectly aware that many of the desired features such as base building won't be ready in December. Hence the low price point! And guess what? I'm fine with that. Looking forward to being a part of the alpha! I can understand people who don't have the patience for that though.
  7. Bakst

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Wow really? Source pls! ^^
  8. Bakst

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Idk what the system requirements are gonna be for the DayZ Standalone, but if you want to be on the safe side (and have an awesome rig while you're at it), you could just go by the system requirements for the upcoming Arma3 game, as they will most certainly exceed whatever it takes to run the Virtual Reality "ToH 2.5" for DayZ SA.
  9. Bakst

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    WarZ's Sergej Titov posted on the game's forum the other day and said this among other things: Seems pretty obvious they're taking all their cues from DayZ. So sad. I'm just amazed that it has gone so far as to make Rocket mad enough to make public comments about how they're stealing his ideas. I'm not the least bit worried tho, no amount of bullshit can make up for the plain truth that WarZ is a piss-poor excuse for a game, and DayZ will always be no. 1. Still, they claim to have 500k active players, and if true then that's no small number for a game that is no more substantial than a puff of smoke. I once tried to explain the difference between the two games to a friend of mine who fell for the front and said we should "give WarZ a chance." I said feel free to buy into the sham but I'll have no part in it... but I only came across as a fanboy in his eyes, guess I was being a little too passionate about the whole thing :D
  10. *post dies quiet death* OtaQ has left the building :/
  11. I like the idea that there could eventually be so many useful items in the game that it becomes less about looking them up on the wiki and more about just using common sense in-game with any item you find. There might be "red herrings," too: items that have no particular use in the game but are nonetheless lying around in loot piles and potentially cluttering up your limited carrying capacity. Think of Skyrim for example, where you can pick up all sorts of things, some of which are useful but others not so much. If a similarly wide range of loot could be found in the DayZ world then that would add some pretty serious immersion imo.
  12. That's outstanding! The SMK mod looks truly awesome, I'd *love* to see some of these advanced stances built into the standalone.
  13. Bakst

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Yes and no! Depends on what you mean. If you're asking if you'll be able to maintain separate characters on both the standalone and mod versions at the same time, assuming you own both Arma2:CO + DayZ mod and the DayZ SA, then the answer is yes; if you're asking whether you will be able to play the mod with your character from the SA, then the answer is obviously no. Hope that helps.
  14. Btw Ander mentioned somewhere (on the locked Rolling Update thread I think) that the radius for "fired near" is 15m. In any case your idea is totally solid, I hope they perfect this whole system soon.
  15. Oh it is? I wasn't sure. Thank God. :)
  16. That's JAYSUZ KEEE-REIST OUR LAWD AND SAVEYA to you, buddy! Yee-haw
  17. I just wish people would finally understand that there will be no skill system. Period. But it's clear you're a child so I guess I can't blame you.
  18. The map is set somewhere in Eastern Europe, so obviously it must be some kind of Soviet propaganda. The author's ignorance and bigotry is staggering! Not to mention he can't spell to save his life.
  19. Where the hell is this hemp field? I've been missing out!
  20. hahaha how absurd! "Secret ganja agenda" LOL really?? where?? Omg this is a GEM! This site is a joke right? I can't believe they believe in the shit they write. great stuff. "The lack of discipline and the gruesomely-rendered graphics of this videogame have attracted a most unusual following of outcasts and anarchists, militant atheists and licentious perverts of the highest order" ahaha I can't wait to read the rest of this fine piece of journalistic... whatever it is :)
  21. Actually I'm a bit confused about that myself. But afaik it's 8m for "fired near" and there is currently no "projectile near" at all: So if your buddy is next to you (i.e. within an 8-m radius) and uses his weapon, you will be in combat too. But if someone shoots at you from afar, nothing happens? It's pretty weird, I guess they're still trying to figure it all out.
  22. It's a good idea, and I expect that will be implemented in a future update after it has passed the community test with the icon. But just to be clear, there are not so many situations in which this icon will truly give away another player's location. I suppose if you were sneaking up on a group of players with your hatchet, you would want to kill one silently without alerting the others, but dude the radius is 8m. It's really not such a big deal and I think you're overreacting a bit.
  23. Go here: http://www.topofthegames.com/7737/screenshots-dayz/