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About johncraig3@sky.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. johncraig3@sky.com


    can not open door curser has changed to full stop .can pick up items just not open doors or climb. Also i have fallen on to rocks and can not mve waiting it out to die as i can not respawn :(
  2. Avatarz . before any of the resets there was a message from admin saying why it was happening why havent you copyed them and posted here so everyone could see.Heres an example of one i seen "Server reset in 5 mins no tents or vechiles on server.get safe and log out.We will be right back." P.S R.I.P server uk125 was fun playing on you while you where running.
  3. johncraig3@sky.com

    uk120 server Suicide trip :)

    Was bored and wanted to die so i decided to do a lucky dip pick a server with alot on and head to a usual camp spot . So why did i want to die well was fully geared and i had got attached to my gear. So i loged in and headed to my goal.Came across a bus hiden in trees wheels shot out.Then close buy found a boat no fuel damn would of made it quicker for me on my quest to die. As i was getting close i seen a guy run down towards me and bang i was dead as where i was couldn`t use gun hehe. So when i respawned woo i was a short run from that bus.Got near bus and seen a guy heading to the camp site i was close to.Ijumped in the bus and woo.A DMR and some mags. Took them and first time using DMR had to shot and adjust my shot watching where it hit.Bang i got him just as he got near the rock. Looted him got close to fully geared again so headed back to site i was thinking a camp site might be at.Got there and the guy that shot me ran past me shoting up the hill away from me. Any way i decided to head his way and spotted a nice Heli at camp site.Seen a few more log in and that was my fun run over shot hehe. thanks uk120 for the fun day trip :)
  4. johncraig3@sky.com

    Fire Station Death

    do you have SP in front of your game name? If you do it was me who sniped you ;p The other guy alt - F4 ed i think as the Zeds buged.
  5. johncraig3@sky.com

    My longest life

    Ive been alive a good while now. putting on ghille suit reset my stats :(. came a accross a few bases so fully kited out .Now i want to die lol as being fully kited i seem to stay away from going into citys and just set up sniping.Been killing zeds that are running after people in the citys. Living of the land solo playing.
  6. johncraig3@sky.com

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello all. Names John.old timer.From Ireland. Love this game been a big Zombie fan for years.in work we have talked about what we would do if it happened now i can play it out :) Been mainly playing solo.Was with a squad for a bit but they split up.So no home server now :(. Steam: akasha6663