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Posts posted by damiclipse

  1. I was banned from steam because my account was stolen (Damiken090 has been active since 2007, and is not banned), and I don't have an account on ***.

    Again, there is no picture evidence from the Asmara thread.

    And if you read the thread about that guy who was "banned for no reason" you'd understand that he was banned for disrespecting my admins. (calling them biased).

    I don't know where you got the idea that my name is "Dumeken".

    It's kind of sad how you're looking so hard to find reasons to justify your foul language and attitude towards me and my server.

    This proves nothing as far as me "being abusive" goes, as well.

    Anyways, thanks for trying to ruin my server's reputation. Sadly, you've failed.

    Also, I checked the logs and you weren't on the other bonfire server.



  2. Hi, I'm the owner of DayZbonfire and I would first like to point out that Rassad was insulting me because of my own accident.

    He is also lying about his entire post, and in game he was being very foul and abrasive.

    I don't know why he is making these lies.

    You must be really childish, I mean you did argue with me over the chat for a while because I "stole" your littlebird.

    (kind of weird, considering I was already stating that I am wiping the server.

    Then again, you are not an active member. This was your first time on our server.

    I did apologize to you, and you continued to fight)

    I was in a call with Monkey, and it had been the first time playing on Taviana.

    I was messing around, I do admit.

    I don't do this on a "regular basis" as I pointed out, but even then he was calling me names and insulting me and the server.

    As well as leaving immature comments like "i was going to donate", etc.

    But I did not "steal" any of his vehicles.

    I'm the only one on any of my servers that can do this kind of stuff, and the reason I even did this was because:

    1. I was just about to restart and wipe all vehicles, because there are barely any vehicles.

    I was also about to add new buildings and wipe all players.

    2. The people in the huey were suspected of hacking, because two people reported them (they were being shot at by as50s/m4s from 50m~), and they did not die.

    I later figured it was just desync, and I was only have a little of fun. I don't play on my servers often, I'm a busy person.

    After I "rammed" their heuy (accidental), I gave them back their dead bodies, restarted the server, and 5 minutes later they found a chopper. (because I added 10).

    If this turns you off of ours servers, please do not let it.

    Refer to this post:


    I'm sorry that Rassad had to post here with these lies.



  3. Hi, I'm the owner of DayZbonfire, and there are no rules on our server except for "no hacking" and "no voice on side". If you were banned or kicked for destroying their bases, please tell me who did it and I will address this issue.

    On the other hand, the server costs 450 dollars a month, because of all the bandwidth from the forum, teamspeak, and the two DayZ chernarus servers we have.

    It's an australian based server.

    Day one, I was not funded very much. We spent:

    400 for the server

    200 for xenforo license

    50 for domain name

    Then, we spent another 150 + 50 because our domain name got taken by the old co-owner, and the 150 because we had to upgrade to 3TB bandwidth.

    I don't know why people are saying it's some money making scheme.

    I never wanted to do these crazy loadouts, but people wanted to help but only if they got something good out of it.

    Our loot tables are insane, because we have every gun in the game in them.

    We have over 30 crash sites on each server as well.

    I don't know why these people are being so rude, but the only thing I'm trying to do is make a good server. We have custom buildings and vehicles.

    If I was making money out of this, I would not have invested nearly 300 dollars in it. The most we'd even make, would probably be 200~100 a month. That's not a lot , considering all the time I put into the server.

    Let alone the things that I do write for the server. Because we do not use bliss, I had to rewrite certain scripts and create new ones.

    Making zombies spawn when you are in cars, our anti hacks, our special debug with colors, edited zombie loot, edited heli crash loot, refueling at refuel stations, siphoning, and vehicle part harvesting.

    I do a lot of work for Dedicated server setup, maintenance, coding in C#, creating/selling certain kinds of scripts to servers and or people.

    I'm a busy person, and this server has taken a lot of my time, But I don't care really. I enjoy having my server, and I enjoy giving everyone a fun hacker free experience.

    My admins are not corrupt, infact each ban that happens I ask them to explain THOROUGHLY what happened.

    Some of them don't like it, but I don't want anyone to be innocently banned. Simple.

    It's rude that you guys are saying all this stuff about my server.

    But again, I did not agree to most of these prices. This is what our major FUNDING CONTRIBUTORS wanted, so I delivered so we could have a great server.

    People love our server, because there are not many people who have loadouts;; but also, donators have the option to take a loadout or to leave it be.

    Not only that, but we try our best to keep the server good, asshole and hacker free.

    We don't appreciate people like Jzd, who go around posting and bashing on servers.

    IMO, I believe he's just a little jealous of the work I put in, and popularity of our server.

  4. How do I get my server reset?

    Hackers spawned in ammo boxes, crates, c130s, and many many more static objects and hacked in vehicles.

    There is also a thunder dome.

    Upon telling this to the support at clanforge, they said they only way for the removal of it would be through dayzmod.com.

    They then closed my ticket and I couldn't find any info on how to do this.

    I opened a new ticket and asked them to do it for me:



    So, what do I have to do to get my server reset? Every time the server restarts these vehicles and hacked objects show up everywhere!

    It's an absolute mess.

    I'd really appreciate being pushed in the right direction.


  5. Found the solution... You see, when you install beta patch, files go there - "Steam/SteamApps/common/ArmaII Operation arrowhead/expansion/Beta/arma2OA.exe" You need to copy this EXE file, and replase original Arma2OA.exe ( that is in "ArmaII Operation arrowhead" directory" ) with it. Sorry for my English, I hope this will help ya.

    Tried this, and it didn't work. :[ Now it says out of date, but still 95248.

  6. Well if you'd have been a clan member of mine, i'd have banned your ass just becuase you "had cheat engine open from another game".

    Do us all a favour and quit PC gaming. You're the scum of PC gaming.

    Yes, the scum of PC gaming. For giving myself infinite money in a single-player game. Just so I could drive around and enjoy myself.

    Belligerent insults, all because I had cheat engine open. l0l. It's okay, I understand that we all have our own opinions. Oh well, I guess you're called the goon for a reason.
