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Everything posted by Darkstra

  1. Darkstra

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    How high of a framerate would I be able to hit :)? Desktop 1920*1080 CPU: Intel core i5-4670k @ 4.5ghz GPU: Palit Geforce GTX 770 2gb Ram: 8GB crucial ballistix sport (1600mhz) SSD: Samsung 840 EVO 250gb Anyone who will be able to tell me the minimum framerate i'd hit when playing dayz?
  2. Darkstra

    I Miss The Airfields

    It hurts, yes. Though it seems to help to change your video memory option. If you put it on high instead of very high it should be gone for a while. You can actually just change it back right after you switch it.. Works for me ;).
  3. Problem solved! Hello guys! I've got some kind of weird buggy situation over here. I can't stop walking backwards ingame. It's like my S key is bugged somehow... Once I press it after logging in to take a step back, it'll somehow toggle, and won't let me untoggle. The only way to reset is by competely closing Arma, and restarting it. I have looked at a number of possible explainations and fixes, but I just can't seem to fix it. When I type an 's' in another program (lets say word, or chrome's search bar) it doesn't repeat. So it's not like my key is somehow just repeating. I've also checked if the controll of walking backwards ingame had somehow changed, which was not the case (Still S and down arrow). The funny thing is, when I try changing a keybinding - doesn't matter which one - it will automatically place the S as the first key. As if I just typed it. Once. (I was able to delete the hotkey though, which lets me stop running backwards.. but it's not very convenient to press down arrow each time I want to walk backwards ^^) Hope somebody recognizes my problem, or knows how to fix this. It's really hurting my ability to collect some beans! Thanks in advance! EDIT: here's the little video I made after logging in. The video quality is not as I expected, but you'll probably get the idea.
  4. Darkstra

    Cannot stop walking backwards o.O

    Fixed! Thanks for all possible fixes, though the problem was somehow caused by my fraps (recording program). Don't really know how.. But when I close fraps the problem disappears :).
  5. Darkstra

    Cannot stop walking backwards o.O

    Nothing is plugged in besides my normal mouse.. ;)
  6. Darkstra

    Cannot stop walking backwards o.O

    I made a little video about my bug. This might give a clearer understanding of what happens. While recording te video, I release the S button right after pressing it. So not holding it ;). Only way to go forward is sprinting. After stopping that i'll just run backwards once more o.O. I added it into my first post.
  7. Darkstra

    Cannot stop walking backwards o.O

    I'm playing on Windows 7 via bootcamp on my 2010 macbook pro... Is it possible this has anything to do with it? Still haven't found anything that fixes it.
  8. Darkstra

    Stuck on top a castle/unable to get out

    Are you referring to the top of Rog's? I've been on there once.. It's quite easy to get off though :). Just keep walking forward, pushing against the thinniest spot you can possibly get trough, pressing V over and over again. After a few tries you'll stand in the middle of the wall, then just repeat the same process and you'll be out. Good luck.
  9. Darkstra

    Cannot stop walking backwards o.O

    I've tried that several times too ;). No effect though. I have no external controllers or whatsoever connected to my notebook besides my mouse.. Which doesn't cause it.
  10. Darkstra

    Cannot stop walking backwards o.O

    Anyone else here who's able to help me out? :)
  11. Darkstra

    Cannot stop walking backwards o.O

    I've tried some hard button mashing.. Nothing changed though. I may have to try longer? a few tries of combinations like W + S, W + A + S, W + D + S, W + A + S + D.. even in different sequences didn't help. Also, I tried unbinding the backwards action, then set it back to default. Funny thing there is that only the down arrow works afterwards, and S won't do anything ^^. There's some crazy shit going on B)
  12. Bush. I know a lot of spots people place their camps, came across many while flying over them with our Huey.. If your plan is to find tents and rob them, I wish you the best of luck.. Don't cry if people come after you for your beans afterwards though ;)! Regarding sniper rifles, try raiding barracks or military camps (Stary Sobor). With some luck you might find some. There's a lot of people farming those though, so be carefull on these.
  13. Darkstra

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    From my own experience, I can confirm tents are still bugged. I put down three tents with my squad and we filled them all up with a shitload of weapons, ammo and other survival gear we gathered. A few hours later the server crashed (DE174), and restarted. After heading back to our tents to see if everything was still there, we came there only to find all three tents completely empty. Farewell to some pretty badass guns ^^. Hope this issue gets adressed anytime soon. Anyone happens to know a way to work around this glitch? I certainly do not feel like gathering that much gear once again, just to find it missing next time we check. Guess the server gets hungry once in a while. - Darkstra
  14. Darkstra

    I dont know where to go when i spawn.

    I'd recommend you to use an online map of Chernarus indeed, http://dayzmap.info or http://dayzdb.com/map work best. After spawning there's in my opinion two main choices to make; 1. - Don't care about zombies, and run straight to either Elektro (Elektrozavodsk) or Cherno (Chernogorsk). Zombies won't catch up with you as long as you keep running. Once there, run into a building to loose their aggro. After that you can go raid pretty much every building for some basic gear (evade the hot spots, like hospitals & fire station at first). Find a supermarket if you can, since there's usually a lot of usefull stuff to find to start with (water bottles, food, compass, hunting knife, matches, guns & ammo, bigger bag etc.) - You might stumble upon some other players near a supermarket, but asking if they're friendly usually helps. Finding a server with low population does too. When you've got some proper basic gear, get the heck out of the city if you'd like to keep your head.. and most important your beans ;). If you managed to get out, you now gathered some good gear pretty quickly, and can go north to anywhere you like. Maybe check out some castles, military camps (NW Airfield, Stary Sobor etc.), or go wandering around in search of helicopter crash sites. 2. Don't risk the cities, and go straight north, to the first small town you stumble upon. Try finding some gear, and go to the next town, untill you have the gear you need. If you need weapons, don't hesitate to visit a barn - there are usually some weapons in there. This way it takes much longer to find your basic gear, but you're not risking early death by cold-blooded players in the cities. When you go straight north after spawning, it's worth to check out the places I mentioned earlier. Wait for places like NW Airfield before you have some proper gear though. I really don't know if there's a best way on not attracting zombies... Though play as if it's you in real life trying to evade them. Usually: If a zombie has a direct line of sight on you in the distance (let's say about a hundred metres), do not run normally (standing up, C), but go crouching instead (X). If you're getting closer, get down on the floor (Z) and hope they won't catch you. If you see one walking in your direction, chances are they will spot you (from about 15 - 30 metres you're fine, closer gets quite freaky though). Also, if you have managed to collect some basic gear (water bottle / drinks, some food, maybe a gun etc.), don't hesitate to skip small towns, because most of the times you'll only find food and drink cans in there. For weapons: go to a barn. Finally, if you have a gun and somehow attracted a zombies aggro (which you will), do not start shooting at it like a bitch. Instead wait for it to get near, it'll stop running when it's about to hit you. At that time, take a few steps back and shoot it. This way they're like shooting a cow, no challenge at all. Hope this helps! Happy to awnser any more questions you might have ;).