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About Wolfgrey666

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Wolfgrey666

    Dedicated Server problem

    Seen small ones, legit or not i think.Might be wrong.
  2. Wolfgrey666

    Trying to get started on Youtube.

    Youtube is your friend at that point.Not hard to look it up and it benefits him better in the long run.
  3. My 5 i have learned. 1.Being good with a crossbow means your a hacker(according to everyone i kill). 2.Being friendly during the day is pretty easy.Being friendly during the night is near impossible. 3.The dark is your friend not your enemy at night.Learn to identify head movement variants based on zombie or player.Once you do, you can headshot all night without NVGs.And get called a hacker XD 4.The woods is your best friend thanks to meat and catching snipers by surprise. 5.Treat military bases like they don't exist and stay far awy from any like they are full of radiation.
  4. Wolfgrey666

    Trying to get started on Youtube.

    I have a youtube channel myself and use Vegas for all my editing needs.Just too awesome of a program not to.I use it along FRAPS.I have no problem recording in 1080p HD.What is even better is that you can use sony vegas to render your video as a wmv while retaining almost all of the quality of the avi. Love it.
  5. Wolfgrey666

    Trying to get started on Youtube.

    Here you go mate, this guy named PewDiePie uses some good software and is quite experienced with it, http://pewdiepie.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=5621 His forum would be of help to you.
  6. Wolfgrey666

    Quite amusing story.

    Silent kill and as long as you always hit the head infinite ammo.The trick is when in 3rd person aim almost exactly where you want it to go(a little to the left though) and in first person aim slightly below your chosen target point. Though when i hit a another point of the body and lose a bolt i sadface.When i lose all 3 i had in a row i cry XD
  7. Wolfgrey666

    What is YOUR play style?

    I am a friendly.Cept at night. During the day i will help anyone i can and try to avoid bandits as much as possible. During the night though, anyone who isn't with me or knows me is my target. No NVGs.No Map/GPS.Just me and a crossbow sneaking through town picking off zombies and survivors alike. The day you are my friend.The night you are my prey.
  8. Wolfgrey666

    Quite amusing story.

    Well today i thought i would get a little Day Z in.I set out and managed to find a crossbow in a small building.I had been wanting to get serious practice with this so i head out and start getting headshots on zombies.I recover my bolts with little difficulty. So happens i has just recovered a bolt from a zombie when a guy with a shotgun runs up to me and tells me to drop my weapon over mic very loudly.I reflexively fire upwards.Low and behold a headshot. The guy repawns(i can only assume) and calls me a hacker.Because i killed him in one hit with a crossbow.So i simply dared the numnut to come to where i was to show him that it was legit.Well he comes trying to be sneaky but i however seem him outside a window moving slowly in the grass.So i let off a bolt and get another headshot.I recover my bolt and once again get accused of hacking. Even the server admin gets annoyed about the bickering/complaining and kicks him off the server. He then seriously asks me"Are you a hacker?" I reply"No i am just accurate with a crossbow" So he kicks me off the server. I was rather confused by that.
  9. Revived XD O_O Like it? >_<
  10. Good maybe Rocket will pay more attention to this now.Well now that his mod has just earned some bad publicity.
  11. Wolfgrey666

    Negativity & the Experiment

    Exactly and if you ignore it, it will get buried in other topics.
  12. Wolfgrey666

    Negativity & the Experiment

    Even if it isn't entirely possible i will simply continue as such til the day i die off the internet.It is a slly hope that others will be civil on a large scale but i hope for it anyway.
  13. Wolfgrey666

    Negativity & the Experiment

    I explained what i meant.But i suppose i am a lot harsher than you are.
  14. Wolfgrey666

    Negativity & the Experiment

    Fair enough.I have no problem with that.This is what i mean by being civil.On a forum you are expected(and should be expected) to be civil to the gaming community as a whole.The main reason i come off with this presentation is simply that the majority of those who uses cursing to express themselves usually use it against others. Its one thing to have "That fucking rocked man!" And another to have "What? Are you fucking stupid?" Give a guess which use is a lot more common on here.Hence my presentation.Cursing has it's place just not in the way it is mostly used.Those who use it for insults or downing others simply aren't intelligent.That is all. Edit: Furthermore if a person can be well mannered and in general do well on these forums, i consider tham smarter or more mature than most on here.I consider that a "forum" intellectual.I guess i should have explained that right off.Sorry mate.
  15. I already plan to use crossbows to eliminate snipers as i go throughout the woods.I have turned out to be fairly accurate with them.Took a bit of getting used to though.