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Everything posted by zutha

  1. Bad Hacks found possibly?
  2. zutha

    Hacking is ruining this game.

    Group of 5 of us spent a few days gathering gear and spent a lot of time trying to get NVGs for our group. We got lucky and caught a group of 4 people with NVG. SO it got to night and we thought, "Time for a Sober run". As we get near there a guy pops up and says, "Don't shot me or i'll kill you" in his thick Russian accent. We look around and there's no one. Suddenly he just appears 10ft away. So we say hello and he asks, "is Chris and Livonia part of you're group?" We chat on priv comms about him knowing these players by name on a non-nameplate server, that he amazingly appeared after talking on comms out of no where and the fact Chris is 300m away in a sniping position. We think, "something dodgy about him... so better save than sorry two of us unload full clips into him from 5ft away. He looks at us, goes prone and *poof* he's gone. I ask on priv comms, "did he alt-F4?" all of a sudden 3ft to the right in an open field, gun flashes and bam 2 of us dead. Then Livonia turns up and says, "I can't see him." The nice russian then starts taunting Liv on comms, shooting at his feet and after 20sec says, "goodbye" and kills livonia. Dying is not the issue, it's dying without have a chance that f**ks me off.
  3. zutha

    SMG to pistol slot

    I disagree. Because an MP5 is NOT a pistol. Also, damage nerf is well... nothing serious. A shot to the head is a shot to the head.
  4. Happened to us last night. Annoying as fook.
  5. zutha

    Truth Time Rockett

    As a professional developer... the speed of development for this mod factoring in Rockett working for a living and doing it on his own time is truly astonishing. I'll put money on you knowing fuck all about development :)
  6. zutha

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Number of Exploiters/Hackers banned daily.
  7. zutha

    global ban for (well i dont know)

    heh, reading this guys text amuses me for some reason. So... how does looking at your pc determine your age might I ask?
  8. Getting killed by a player who was invulnerable and invisible. He's on screen taunting us, we unload full clisp into him, he laughes, turns invisible and kills us all. What's the point in playing with shit like this >:(
  9. Can you explain how to identify a "real server"?
  10. Question: Q. The greatest effect that is impacting my DayZ gameplay experience is encounters with exploiters/hackers. What is combating this in your priority?
  11. zutha

    Banning for alt f4 assholes

    I personally hope these kind of things are addressed. Standalone or not, if exploitations continue it will be the death of the game (like it was for games like APB).
  12. Please confirm via logs for death on Zey, Livonia and Tedoki on 29/07/2012 at around 22:00 (UTC+1) Player baited and after being taunted through voice comms, shot us from 5ft or so away (could see gun flashes). Just confirm who shot us and view them characters.... was a Russian on comms i believe :) Can you confirm if these type exploits are going to be fixed soon? Kind of demotivating.
  13. Oh my bad, thank you for making an amazing contribution to this thread.They are doing something that is not intended. Also in my opinion, exploiters are as bad as hackers as they both feel the need to have an advantage due to their own inadequacies.
  14. zutha

    Fix this deathmatch junk

    We don't use tents to regear. We use other players, much more fun.
  15. ummm, no. Let me guess, one of you got shot and you dove on the floor looking around?
  16. 1. This is NOT a pve game. 2. You will, 100% NEVER be able to make an AI more dangerous than a player in this style game. 3. I don't play to dodge zombies, i play to dodge players as they present the better challenge. 4. Since when did aussies became such pussies?
  17. zutha

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    I love the mentality: Bandits = scripters = kiddies.... I prefer Rocket's description: Bandits = players who are playing and not whining on the forums.
  18. zutha

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    How about people stop trying to dictate how others should play...
  19. zutha

    New players guide from Bandit point of view

    I have a question for you: Do you play with gamma hack? TBH, my pals and me ran around last night at night time, running through woods in the pitch black. You need a lightsource. We purposely set gamma, brightness to 1 to have the experience of night etc. Ideally though, I want a nightscope and stalk a group like us using direct comms like "I'm gonna kill you" :)
  20. I had a much more enjoyable experience starting without a gun then with. Especially when I get friends to play for the first time, choose a night time server and tell them to meet me north of cherno :) The stories and sounds they make are funny as hell......
  21. zutha

    DAY Z - in few month

    Unfortunately, the best loot my friends and I have found are from players. I'm sure if when we spot you, if you do not have a gun on back or in hand... chances are we won't shoot you. A quick example: We are running through a field, from tree to tree. We spot a guy named Richard about 150m to our left who's being chased by 6 zombies. We look, someones says, "he has a gun". Everyone opens fire. We get a sniper rifle and some goodies. Sucks to be him, but the town he was running too had a dead body on a roof killed by a long distance gun. It's part of the game. We don't fear zombies, but players.