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About Rhovan

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  1. Rhovan

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    Same here. Logged of Northeast near a town. Respawn at Cherno Beach with nothing, really nothing, no backpack, bandage etc Happens after update.
  2. Rhovan

    DE 188 down until standalone due to rampant cheating

    The problem is as an admin you get nothing which helps you, because you cann abuse it. You are only not permitted to do a lot of things. I have my server stopped now and it will only be started if my friends and i want play. A little statistic 10 minutes ago: 4141 Servers 3309 without unresponsible servers 2915 without the locked servers (incl password) 2005 without wrong arma version 1782 without wrong dayz version 43% of all servers 58 recruit 660 Regular 829 veteran 25 expert
  3. I understand him. DayZ is not a survival mod. Its a PvP Shooter with some zombie NPC. Some want to play it as a survival game, the others as a pvp game (and some try the best hacks grrr). Its time to end this admin witch-hunting. It is an abuse to lock the server after you where killed several times - yes it is. But without this admins and their server and without this players you will only have half the servers and players. And a lot of them want to play without bandits hunting in groups and kos all others. For my own server i decide to stop him in the future and he will only be started if i or my friends want to play. The only right you get as an admin is to pay for others - or sorry forgot the difficulty settings ;) And the only things you get as an admin is trolling in the forum.
  4. Rhovan

    Oh, how I hate going to Cherno...

    SHIFT + NUM(-) than type in flush it will empty the arma 2 graphic mem
  5. Rhovan

    Server running incorrect version

    Same here on DE 930 from gamed.de "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are a server admin please contact DayzStaff" Server was updated yesterday with Login works some hours ago, now i can login lobby but after continue i get this error. Now its all ok maybe it was gamed.de, they moved the servers
  6. Details: i got a new server from gamed.de 2 days ago, update with was yesterday 1.) Server is found in Dayz Commander (dont try Six Launcher) but it isnt in the ingame browser with no keyword. Did i forgot something so ingame browser dont find the server? 2.) Difficulty was set in server.cfg. After that i try to change the ArmA2OAProfile. But i have 2 folder (one with DE, one Location ID) with a ArmA2OAProfile file in it and this file only include this version=1; blood=1; singleVoice=0; gamma=1; brightness=1; sceneComplexity=300000; shadingQuality=7; shadowQuality=3; viewDistance=1600; terrainGrid=10; volumeCD=6.5; volumeFX=8.5; volumeSpeech=5.5; volumeVoN=6.5; maxSamplesPlayed=32; vonRecThreshold=0.029999999; DId this change with 3.) Is there a better admin tool as the BEC (http://ibattle.org) to admin the server?
  7. So my 2 cents - IT MAY NEVER BE PASSWORDED Mostly ok, but if i update, change and test Update or new settings its better to lock or passworded it, instead kicking players with 5-6 restarts. Next thing if server is invaded by cheaters or hackers. - NO OTHER KEYS OR MODS. NONE. PERIOD. yes - NO KICKING TO MAKE ROOM FOR 'FRIENDS' OR CLANMATES in other game there are systems with clanslots. If you play on a clanserver and a clanmember join you will be given a message that you will be removed from server after xx seconds. Fair enough i think. - NO LOCKING THE SERVER See 1 - NO EDITING DAYZ/MISSION FILES yes - IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO UPDATE YOUR SERVER TO THE LATEST VERSION OF DAYZ yes -BATTLEYE MUST BE ENABLED sure There are reasons why people rent servers. You can make your own setting, have a server with good ping and i a timezone you want to have him. But although most of them have friends or clans to play with. Without this a big reason to play DayZ is gone. As a single player you often have problems to find a good server. Some are at night and you want to play at day, some are full, some are outdated or you cant connect or have terrible lags. So if DayZ will blacklisted all server who are against these restrictions, they soon have a very small list of servers left and a lot of players will left because they get not good server. My point: I am against passwording or locking (only maintenence) but with a system that let your friends/clan members have VIP slots. If a VIP logged in the full server one non-VIP get a friendly message and will locked out after xx seconds.
  8. Wait till Beta and new maps come out or try to group with friends and battle with another group over domination of the map.