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Everything posted by nev2k

  1. nev2k

    World Building: DayZ Radio

    Well this idea is really nice, but the resources it requires are a real problem, may we can get rocket to launch a community project, and give people he possibility to send in their personal story, which might not be a mass kill at stary. I'd also like to show my idea of implementing radios:http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67872-radio-beam-radio-amateur-radio/
  2. nev2k

    Radio, Beam Radio, Amateur radio

    Well you could also add this all server radio, but that could already be done by metagaming, as a internet radio ;)
  3. nev2k

    Radio, Beam Radio, Amateur radio

    Yeah, i thought of green mountain and may other huge towers as re transmitters, green mountain for the whole map and others may for a decent area, but i'd like the small area or even beam option, as it would give the possibility of "secret" messages and long range clan communication. Even if clan communication can easily be solved by VoIP tools, it could reduce metagaming and i think that dayZ lives from the authentic feeling of not knowing what's going on or how to survive best.
  4. So i want some people to know about something. My clan is usually on the trip at LU180. As we figured out two other clans are often there: the [G] and the [PB] clan. So we killed them from time to time, but they probably don't know it yet, that there's another clan on the server. That's why i now want to announce for you: "We are there, we gonna hunt you down, and you'll have a bad time." As you're not crossing our way that often and as you're almost never get a kill on us, we'd like to give you the opportunity to contact us and make it a real war. If you're from another clan than the mentioned two, reading this and thinking: challenge accepted. feel free to post it below, and let's see who kicks whos a**es. sincerely [bH]nev
  5. Well you could also adopt the idea to make 3-4 grades of difficulty in the way you mentioned (but each with a own character), giving skilled and experiment friendly players(not playing Kill on sight) a chance of enjoing a less cod like game, as it is of now :(. as well as making camping banditery harder. May you could also add, that players which don't move more than 10 meters in 10 minutes cause zombies spawning 200-300 meters away of them and investigating the place he is at, just like they do with campsites in the night, so noob camping would stop.
  6. Well as i share some of this ideas, i give my beans to you, but i think the territory should be fixed to a place on the map, not allowing you to spawn there once(it would give possibilities of abusing it to spawn behind non noob killers) but giving you the random chance to spawn in a village near to it (so you spawn where a survivor would start his journey, at his own door). It also should forbit other players(which aren't your ingame made friends/clanmembers) to spawn in your fixed territory as long as they didn't already walked to the place they'd login again
  7. nev2k

    Honest solution to all of the hacked guns.

    Why not putting more guns in dayz? the key is more guns, less ammunation and as the most of the guns have their own ammunation it would be rare to find, for instance you find a g36 with a mag in the south barracks, but not a second one by looting the rest of the nw airfield so you'll just pickup the m16 you found at the nothern barrack after you shot your g36 empty. This would also give ammunation the state of money as well, as making bandits less agressiv/more cheking whether it's worse to shoot or not.
  8. nev2k

    Authentic constructions

    Good ideas, but i think it would be more realistic, when you can get through barb wire, but with hurting yourself decently(thinking about 2k-3k bloodloss)
  9. nev2k

    Instanced building will ruin Dayz...

    Well instancing is basically bad, but the problem of server hopping, to avoid walking for loot or get behind somebody have to be fixed somehow. I'd like, if the standalone game could get a bigger world (sup about WoW size ;D) and then you can set a region, only find a map for this region (a region should be chernarus size) where you'll spawn at the beginning, so you can play with your friends but you can change the region you are at the edges of the map and if you do so, you'll go on another server with this region. If you then connect the servers to a group which can be played on only it would protect your base, and still would allow you to play with thousands of players!
  10. nev2k

    Self-Defense Radius

    Well i think, that you if you shoot a player who isn't a bandit so far, is your own problem. If you really go for helping other survivors then you usually have base humanity, allowing you to defend yourself. The problem is of course that sometime people are "survivors" but playing bandit and just helped out their friends with a bloodbag or something like that, but that could be fixed, by reducing the humanity you get from helping somebody with the time you helped that specific person, so if a bandit helped his friend bandit the 10th time he only get 5instead of a 1000 humanity points.
  11. nev2k

    Should DayZ be set during 1944?

    I'd agree on several points, like explaining why there are weapons evrywhere and brining more tactics into the game... BUT i think there should be highly military loot, i think setting up a ww2 map would be hard to manage and there wouldn't be stuff like modern backpacks or choppers :( The problem of "unfair" equipment have to be solved in other ways, like making military spawn less common, adding more differentiated military weapons with specific ammunation, so you don't just find your stanag mags in evry 3. or 4. place. But the most important things are, to fix tent duping and hacking and remove the new loot system, which gives too much ammunation and medical supplies in industrial and residental loot spawns (who the hell leaves morphine and m107 mags in a container hall) Adding more playstyle and tactics then kill on sight should be managed by making bandary more harder, like increasing zombie lock on range or stuff like that and the other systems mentioned.
  12. That's absolutely nonsense, as flashlights are way more common at people houses, then fireworks (flares count under several firework restrictions in the european union).
  13. nev2k

    Radio, Beam Radio, Amateur radio

    Okay, that rdf feature might be intresting, as well as there should be the possibilty of turning the radio off, but i think it basically should'nt be affected by the enviroment or getting hashy in the far ranges, because it would make this feature to complicated, as well as being hard to code and might causing some problems with server latency, as a wave propagation is hard to predict and i don't know whether the engine could stand it at all.
  14. nev2k

    Radios to communicate and broadcast

    let me bring some live to this post again with this idea :http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67872-radio-beam-radio-amateur-radio/
  15. nev2k

    Radio Idea

    So i got a idea like yours, but basically more "professional" transmitting. check out: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67872-radio-beam-radio-amateur-radio/
  16. nev2k

    An Actually Fun Hacker Story

    Well, the fact that this first "hacker" kid wasn't unkillable, shows that most of the "hackers" aren't in hacking nor in the arma scripting. I think evrybody who knows a way how to get an unfair advantage should report it to the dev, battleeye, bohemia or any other party, which tries to resduce hacking. posting it in forums, so that evrybody can copy and use it isn't good, neither for them nor the gameplay.
  17. nev2k


    the builder build houses from sandbags with working roofes, several functional rooms, and offer them to people for a decent prize. of :beans: or weps and stuff. additional points, if you manage to build a new city/village, and bring at least 3 citizens to it.
  18. Well i want to tell all new players not to serverhop, it's a lame tactic and going to empty servers will not solve your zed problem as well, but will remove the intense and wonderful feeling of crossing a player and the action which it provides! If you cannot gear up by now, then you should have a look at somes guides, tutorials and the loot map http://dayzdb.com/map. there you can see where the good lootable buildings are and how they look like. I dunno why peoples are complaining about the game being to hard. I mean almost evrybody came to it by watching videos, streams, looking in a game magazine(or it's online platform) or a friend telling you about how awesome it is. In the videos or streams you can obviously see that the game isn't easy, evry game magazine i know said, that the beginning requires to be resistent to frustation until you made it. and i think that, if a freid told you about the game, he surely told you that's not easy. And the game is awesome, because it's hardcore! you have to be alerted and you have to accept when you loose, this is not WoW or any casual MMO this is DayZ
  19. nev2k

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    More guns less ammo requires more shoot control, requires more running away from zombies. And what the hell is your problem with anti player and anti vehicle weapons? they are in use, for greater stuff, but if you make those players encounter zeds, they surely are happy to have a winchester with some ammo in their backpack, thats what should be reached! more pve required in the "end" game and more guns, so you have less ammunation
  20. nev2k

    My Good Suggestions List and discussion.

    well i liked your suggestions very well, may you could have a look at the player codex: http://dayzmod.com/f...0-player-codex/ Those are some "rules" a player should/could follow, as long as the game is in it's alpha stage, as well as there are some rules to make the social interactions more intresting and realistic. I'd also add a mechanic which somehow makes playing as a survivor who don't kill on sight more intresting, like a better morality give's you some bonuses(minimal), for instance making the zeds less fast aggroed, so you can loot easier. I'd also make all servers veteran by default, so you have to estimate ranges and can't find a player by swaying the mouse over an area. fell free to add those points :D and please add a link to my thread :D
  21. nev2k

    My thoughts after 2 months of play

    I have to disagree with you, as i think, the idea of cars being high valuable is good. zombies sort by skill and type, not that good as well, because then high gear players would chill around the cost, so they don't have to handle more dangerous zombies, but i heard that rocket want's military zombies to take more shoots. but to the op: i agree to the first point, but think that wiping the databse, isn't that good, as it would create a mass run on the costs afterwards. to the second point i'd also agree, but on the other hand, there should be options to protect a camp, when not loged in, like locking the tents and cars, so it requires anyone about 3 mins to get trough the lock. once started you should be unconsious for the time it takes to remove the lock, which brings it at a high risk to remove the lock. the tent duplication problem should be fixed asap, for instance a force autosave all vehicle's/ tents before shutting down a server. Another idea on looting, would be, that the chance for high military loot decreases with less player's at the server, so no one can go on an empty server, loot the arifield and stary frequently, without the danger of facing players. to the 3rd point, i'd partly agree, as it's way more easy to hunt some animals then taking blood bags... this could be reduced, by making the spawn rates for animals less high, as well as i think you should regen health over time, when you're not hungry but regaining health should increase the hunger you get, and then the hunger should be dynamic, so eating beans just gives you 75% of hunger back, while the meat gives you back 100%. you could force people to drink more frequently, so they have to get to water places regulary, which would bind them more to the center map. being hungry and thirsty should effect the aiming ability and the moving speed, so even being a hunter requires you to be more active.
  22. nev2k

    New Player questions. Help is appreciated.

    Well there are two illnesses: a cold, which you get automatically when your temperature drops below 33°C and an infection which has a chance to come up when your temperature drops below 36°C. you cannot die from an infection, but it will decrease your blood to 6000 over the time
  23. I am also looking more foreward to a brand new map, for instance, when the dev team finished and ported it to the arma3 engine, they should try to build another map like chernarus, may with some more intresting places like mountains swamps and stuff like that, but basically in a climatic zone which looks familiar to most players.
  24. nev2k


    well then please tell me your clantag, and let the hunt begin :D
  25. nev2k


    We will see, whether i'll get yer or not, but you could proof that you're with us, by pm me the clanname, some members and which language we use :D You have my beans for telling me :D