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Everything posted by abitbehind

  1. abitbehind

    Cannot pick up back packs

    I struggled with this as well - the trick (I found) was to NOT click the middle/mouse wheel button - start SCROLLING the mouse wheel while you're pointed at it, and you get additional options in the context menu. Hurrah!
  2. abitbehind

    Spawn problem - not spawn

    I am getting precisely this problem. I've tried to join servers 10 times today (various different servers in Aus and USA). In every case, I get 5-15 minutes of 'Waiting for Server" on a black screen. When I do spawn, I am completely unable to move. I can go to menu and "Respawn". When I then respawn, I have zero gear, and all sound is disabled (except voice chat from other players). I can run around, go prone, etc, but hitting M for map brings up the map screen with no map. I _think_ that there may also be invisible corpses from my original respawn and other players with the same problem: an icon comes up in some spots that I assume is a loot icon (a green assault rifle and clips). I can return to the same spots and the icon will pop up again in the same place. I've also had incidences of green diamond and rank indicators appearing around me - presumably identifying the other players - but having never successfully played the mod yet, I don't know if that's normal :( This is pretty damn frustrating - it all happens literally every time I have joined a server. Exactly the same way. There are no errors while loading the game/mod or joining servers.