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-+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

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Everything posted by -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

  1. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    3rd Party Interaction, and why it ruins the game

    Don't you already have to rely on the honor system whenever you interact with other players? If you and a friend are running around and get shot in the back whether or not someone heard you on direct chat, you died because one of you wasn't watching your six, not because of some unfair advantage. For all you know it was a solo sniper who killed you and not a group on TS. Or maybe your friend shot you in the back while you took point. Wit and skill is always involved whether you see it or not. Running in the open is a bad choice; running crouched between bushes will conceal you so that even if someone hears you nearby, they will not be able to locate your position. There are many options available to you as to how you can play DayZ. Prefering one playstyle doesn't punish the others; I'm not sure why you think that is so. If you prefer to be on a server where everyone plays a certain playstyle (no TS, etc.) then you can do so if you form a sub-community within the larger DayZ community and start a private hive. Hell, I might even join it. However I don't understand why you need to change anything in the game to do so.
  2. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    3rd Party Interaction, and why it ruins the game

    You're not limited at all from doing what you say. This whole time I've been saying create a private server/community that offers the environment you want to play in. The current system doesn't limit you from doing what you want. Being competitive doesn't mean that you have to play the same as your opponent. Being competitive has nothing to do with 3rd party programs or having groups of equal numbers or gear. Competitive play is a matter of wits and skill and the only thing that could limit you from being competitive would be yourself.
  3. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    3rd Party Interaction, and why it ruins the game

    I never said to add side chat back. It's immersion breaking and annoying to read. What I am saying is that radios are not in game yet, and until they are (and even after they are implemented) 3rd party programs will be used and do not break anything in the game that isn't already broken/unfinished. TS has been used since the game began; the only thing changing is the player base with an increase in PvP-centric play. When radios are added, it will be awesome. Why? Because it will allow you to broadcast globally to people outside of your group. It could open avenues for "newscasters" reporting on dangerous conditions around Chernarus, or allow people to request support, etc. But in the end, TS will always be used regardless of radios. It is not like scripting where you can change code to keep it out of the game. Also it might be a good idea to stop pretending like you know what Rocket wants and how he feels about things unless of course you are him posting under a different name. I'm not assuming TS is a good place holder rather, with the options available, it is one of the only placeholders available. If you want to play against people without TS or anything of the sort, form a community like was suggested and create a private hive server with a password. You will have to trust the people in your community are upholding your standards but the other option is that you suck it up and deal with things the way they are. Wasting time on barring 3rd party programs is not a good use of the dev's time. As has been stated, there's nothing stopping someone from calling his buddy in RL, or going to their house, or using a second computer to run voice programs if such a mechanism was implemented. Regarding forum meta-gaming like the OP mentioned, it is a little silly. But seeing that communication is so limited and broken in DayZ, there is little that can replace until the SA comes out with features like notes and the like. 3rd party programs and external forums exist to fill these gaps. cheating present participle of cheat (Verb) Verb Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, esp. in a game or examination: "she cheats at cards". Deceive or trick. Let's think about this definition. Is counting cards cheating? No, it's playing the game with knowledge and skill so you have a better chance to win. Is having a few Ace's hidden up your sleeve cheating? Yes, it's dishonest and breaks the games rules. Considering everyone has the option to use TS and forums, just like counting cards, I do not see either as cheating. Just like combat-logging back in the day wasn't cheating. Just because you disagree with a certain playstyle though, does not give you the right to dictate what playstyles are available to them. DayZ appeals to many different playstyles as I said, and that is why there are so many different servers with different difficulty settings and options like 3rd person. To limit that would be foolish and only hurt the game and the community. Find a community that offers the environment you want to play in; stop trying to change the community to play like you.
  4. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    3rd Party Interaction, and why it ruins the game

    Sure but people can whisper, use morse code, or have many other ways of communicating with sounds that you would never be able to understand without having some inside knowledge of their groups workings. If your concern is that you can't hear the white-sound of radio static to alert you of someone nearby, I can understand that, but this is a videogame (unfinished one at that) and you can't expect everything to be perfect. Just because the game doesn't have radios yet doesn't mean that you should play the game as if they don't exist. Also I assume radios will be in the game because the main developer said there will be, not because I'm Miss Cleo reading a crystal ball. No need to be facetious when I'm giving valid points.
  5. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    3rd Party Interaction, and why it ruins the game

    So basically you want to form a private hive server with people who only play like you, but you don't have the people/friends to do so and thus complain... Everyone has different playstyles and that is great; diversity is a good thing as it makes space for lonewolves, medics, traders, and all that. We all spent our money on this game because it seemed interesting in many different ways to many different people and while I disagree with some peoples playstyles, I don't trash them for it and say that the game needs to limit them from enjoying it in their own way (barring script kiddies, f them). Because the game hasn't implemented radios yet, there's nothing to say you and your friends haven't found radios or just use your cellphones to communicate, thus TS and all other voice programs are legitimate even if you're playing it ultra-realistic. Furthermore if you want to complain about 3rd party programs being used for an unrealistic advantage, why not complain about people logging out in general even if it's not during combat? I've never seen someone log out of real life and just disappear infront of my eyes...except that one time my friend got abducted by aliens but hey, that's neither here nor there. I respect the ultra-realistic playstyle especially because it's how I prefer to play but I don't give a crap if it means I have to fight solo vs a 5 man team that uses TS; it makes the game more challenging which gives it the thrill. I prefer to fight a group of organized people than a bunch of solo players. Furthermore, why are you hunting people if you are trying to play it like a real survival game? Shouldn't you be avoiding unfriendlies rather than stalking them and risking injuring yourself? Seems to me like you want two different things. I think instead of trying to add something so unnecessary to the game that would just complicate things, you should instead start looking for a group of players with the similar playstyles you want to start a private hive with, because frankly I don't see this thread going anywhere otherwise... And if nothing I said allowed you to see a different side of things I'll leave you with this...
  6. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Worst Survival Experience Ever

    After a week of acquiring most everything I wanted to survive, (basic stuff + GPS, m4sd+dmr, camo) I found a car and was driving towards Berenzino from Stary Sabor. I stopped behind some trees in a forest right off a dirt road to check my map and take a break. I logged off in the car and logged back in later that day to spawn ontop of the car, instantly breaking my leg and falling under the car, therefore it ran me over and I died instantly. Dammit, maybe I can find the spot and get my sh*t back. I spawn in Solnichny and work my way up towards Berenzino. No food or weapons to start, at least none with ammo so luckily I find a hatchet and march up the coast hacking and slashing some dozens of zombies. Scavenge for food or drink but no such luck, and actually I'm hurting now. The rain has given me the chills and I'm coughing profusely. My lungs feel like bricks with all the mucus building up and I'm torn up from too many close encounters with zombies. Upon reaching Berenzino, I head straight for the super market. I've killed a few animals and bloodied my hands to get some fresh meat on the way and need some matches to start a fire and feast. I find them in the supermarket but the zombies chasing me are...underneath me walking thru concrete like it's jello?! Damn their foul tricks!!! *More hatchet action* They managed to scratch me up some more; it's hard to kill zombies when they're mostly submerged in concrete, anyways, I'll hit the apartments nearby and hope to find a better weapon...I've found my matches and cooked my meat and had my feast, nevermind the fireplace was floating in the air at eye-level, some people may say I use dark magic but this is never true. In the apartments I find my beloved Leeana Enfield and I show her my affection by loading one of the four clips I've found on my way. I find a Makarov as well and am turning to head out of the apartment when the zombie on the floor beneath me strikes through the floorboards! Who built this damn rickety house?! It grabs onto my leg from beneath me, breaking it and I scream, "...ugh..." and fall to the ground. I blast the zombie in the face with my Leeana and she bellows out like some Valkyrie from Valhalla. Of course every zombie and their mother heard it nearby and they come screeching towards the building. I think to myself, "This is it," and with my back to the wall, I manage to knee on my one good leg, looking at the front door. My betrothed Leeana spits fire into the face of the zombies, putting them down but there are so many, and she cannot keep up. I'm nearly dead when I hear silence...there's no more screeching. Before me lay maybe thirty zombies and my Leeana is steaming out her ears. Perhaps if I find a hospital....I can still live? Crawling and coughing I make my way down the streets of Berenzino. I manage to jump over a fence, trying to shortcut my way there, and I catch the attention of another zombie. I switch to my Makarov and put him down with one to the head. Nobody else heard it, so I continue down the streets, heading straight to the hospital now for the sake of my life. Of course I have completely forgotten where the hospital is (and I don't dare look online for a map though it was so tempting)...but that building looks just like it so I will head straight there! Five minutes of crawling past zombies, I finally make it to the side of the "building" after crawling around a wall and....it's not the hospital but a damn office building! I crawl inside, hoping maybe there's some morphine on the first floor but there's hardly anything except a M1911 with no ammo. This is worthless. I feel like I will crawl around Berenzino for hours until some zombie finally spots me and tears me apart like a fat kid with a birthday cake. I make it to a ladder and somehow find the strength to use all my limbs and climb to the top. I drag my body back inside the office building on the third floor and look around. Nothing. Everything is getting dark, and my body aches. I crawl to the concrete railing and prop myself ontop of it to get an elevated look around. I vault the railing from the third floor. Lying on the tile floor of the office building in Berenzino, I'm falling in and out of consciousness. I have blood spewing out of my face and my broken legs, but I'm still not dead. Everything is dark now I can hardly see. It's been maybe an hour since I tried to kill myself but I'm still here. Slowly dying as I have since the start. If you see me and I'm still alive, please put me out of my misery. -Spencer
  7. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Worst Survival Experience Ever

    Lol thank you fixed another typo too :beans:
  8. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    The murderer problem

    making the game a little harder for everyone to encourage co-op is a fine idea. as far as specifics to do that, I don't know.
  9. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Stand Alone Suggestions!

    And you don't have to make up for other peoples mistakes when lonewolfing \m/
  10. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    The murderer problem

    You're kinda stepping out of line talking for someone else. I think you might just be a little upset with all the PVP you've tried to avoid but failed to lately. People play this game for different reasons and that's one of the things that make it great. I play it for the survival, tension, and the PVP. However, others play to be traders, medics, radio hosts, and so on and I feel that is really awesome. You shouldn't feel like one persons style of play is "wrong" or it shouldn't be allowed because that would take so much away from the game if we started to become limited in gameplay options. You can encourage Co-Op. Start something like the Freeside Trading Co. or something else. Use your head. I feel like most the people who are complaining about the PVP aren't using their heads. Don't put yourself at an obvious disadvantage in which someone can dominate you without fearing for their own lives. Use ransoms/hostages/rewards and those sort of things to ensure you don't die to someone who really wants to kill you. And trust me, when there is no law, there are a lot of people who don't give a fuck and will kill you at the first opportunity even if you think they're a friend, if not only for the reason that they're afraid you'll kill them first.
  11. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    The murderer problem

    My dick of course... Sorry you left it open...it was too tempting....I'm ashamed but it was impossible to resist...
  12. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Offline DayZ?

    Edit: I should add I only played PSO very little. However, DayZ reminds me more of EVE Online than any game I've played because of the harshness and the player-driven communities. With that said, EVE Online is somewhat ruined by RMT and I hope that DayZ never implements RMT to buy guns/vehicles etc. because I will probably stop playing.
  13. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Introduce slumber...and many other ideas

    It wouldn't stop server hoppers cuz they'd log into a different server and their sleeping body would move... But no, I'm pretty sure sleeping while being logged off and unable to respond for hours/days would be pretty lame. I'd go to work for a week and find that some retard killed me while I was hibernating like I'm some grizzly bear.
  14. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Stand Alone Suggestions!

    Amurika-fuk ya! ...but I dunno I think the game could be anywhere and it'd be just as interesting, long as it's a fairly large map. I feel like people who say they want it based in the US haven't traveled much... This is spoken from someone who's only seen outside the US on TV and pictures from friends/family.
  15. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    The murderer problem

    I think as far as trading and the economy, there should be few/no mechanics for it but instead let it be player driven. As far as I know, Rocket agrees on this. Many people may not know but there is already one group of traders (Freeside Trading Co.) and there could be many others if people are serious about it. The one advantage "Survivors" have over "Bandits" is that they are more likely to be trustworthy people and willing to get along. Bandits are competing with each other, but Survivors have the ability to trade and create small cities if they really put their minds to it.
  16. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Introduce slumber...and many other ideas

    Maybe "ghosts" wasn't the right word but basically when you hallucinate after not sleeping for a long time you will hear things. It could be anything, from the benign to the downright frightening, and as far as visual hallucinations they are about the same. Sometimes you might see butterflies, other times you might see demons, but they tend to only linger for a few seconds and then your mind makes up for the mistake.
  17. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    The murderer problem

    I think you want to play WarZ more than DayZ so stop trying to make DayZ the way it wasn't intended to be. Bandits shouldn't be punished beyond the fact they have very few friends and risk revealing their position whenever they fire at other players. Other than that, punishing bandits doesn't make sense with aim reduction or any of this bull as it is no longer realistic. Trading with money makes no sense because this is Post-Apocalypse and there are no world economies that matter anymore. The only thing that's worth trading is foods, ammunition, and weapons/survival gear. (Oh and these items are why there are so many bandits. I know some people think a Zombie Post-Apocalypse would mean every able human would work together but if I'm hungry and you're making me go fight some zombies to share your food....I'm sorry dude, I'm just gonna kill you). "Leveling" is not a good idea in my opinion; this is not Diablo or some other RPG with things like "STR(ength)", "END(urance)", and so on. I think it might be cool if you let players choose some certain strong characteristics that never improve over time but can only decrease if not kept healthy. For example, when you start a fresh spawn you can choose "male" or "female" but what if you could choose a few basic things like if you want better accuracy or speed or endurance or health, and you would never "level up" or improve those characteristics but you would be strong in those points until you started to starve/dehydrate, and you'd slowly lose those characteristics as you became a weakling from poor nutrition/sleep? The reason I don't really like leveling up is because it's going to create too much of an entry barrier and the older players who stay alive the longest will just dominate everyone because they will have 3x the health or whatever ridiculousness. There needs to be a small range of differences if such skilling was implemented because it doesn't make sense to have certain "older" characters overpower others so much. If anything, older characters should be weaker cuz of the fact they're a 60 year-old decrepit man. Just my 2 cents.
  18. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Stand Alone Suggestions!

    Great ideas. The only ones I'm not sure about are the radio ones simply because it wont stop people from just using TeamSpeak... But keep it up! Would love to hear more.
  19. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Its official...BIS Developing DayZ Stand Alone!!

    First. And woohoo!
  20. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Introduce slumber...and many other ideas

    After having stayed up many nights with no sleep I can say that visual and audible hallucinations are a very real thing when sleep deprived. Hearing or seeing "ghosts" would be pretty cool after not sleeping for a long time. Would add to the tension, though the "ghosts" would have to only appear very briefly so it's just enough to throw you off...ghosts could look like other players on the server or animals, or even zombies I guess....monsters would be cool but not a priority :) I like the idea of having to sleep in-game for a couple minutes every couple hours or so, would keep campers from sitting around for hours watching movies on a second monitor without any problems, and would also push more people to the woods....and in my opinion, more people in the woods = more firefights in the woods = more scary moments....cuz the woods are scary, n' stuff. I do like most of the other ideas too, including no unlimited sprint. The one idea I'm not sure I agree with is more zombies at night because I feel like for newer players it will increase the difficulty too much as they will not have any NVG's for awhile.
  21. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Just died to my first god-mode hacker.

    Anytime I know I'm being hacked it's alt-f4 time; with that said, if you alt-f4 during legit combat you're a (bad-name). Was shooting at a god-moding hacker in a truck the other day. 100+ rounds into him from me and my buddy and he kept repairing the truck till he logged and then 10 seconds later.....everyone in server is 1 mile above debug forest falling to their death.....thankfully altf4 saved one of my friends....but not me :( all my shit was lost in debug forest. Rocket really needs to fix combat-logging and hacking around the same time, otherwise the game will still be very broken. I'm not sure which is more common now: hackers or combat-loggers, but I feel like I see about the same number (which is a lot of them). But yea, usually it's pretty easy to spot a hacker and best to have a quick reaction. A lightbulb will go of in your head that something is wrong when strange things start to happen....like if you spawn on the beach and a couple minutes after running you have a ghille on....there's probably a hacker fucking around on the server.
  22. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    I have everything, what should I do now?

    It can get boring living in the woods and staying out of sight but you'd be surprised how many times you will run into people in the woods if you hang around on populated servers....my suggestion is to set yourself a goal, like hunting x amount of players or zombies and see how tactical you can be. To take risks and still survive is where the fun comes from, but if you just hide in the woods it's no surprise you will get bored after awhile.
  23. -+BoSS+-Eran Mintor

    Gold Revolver and Gold AK47

    I saw a golden AK in game the other day, no lie. I had just recently logged in and was running through the forests somewhere near Starry Sobor when another character appeared 10m in front of me out of thin air. I quickly unloaded 10+ bullets from my Mk48 into his chest, and he turned to me and flashed the golden AK, standing and looking right back at me. "Yea waste all your ammo!" or something to that degree was said to me over directional voice. Golden AK....invincible...coolstorybro