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Everything posted by roflstomp100

  1. Me and my buddies are have set up over 10+ tents and everytime there has been a server reset they get wiped out clean, is this because of a bad server, or are they tents really that bugged. I'd also like to note that i know of a few other tents owned by other players and if i were take things out of there and come back later(after reset) and all of their items respawn, can anyone give me any incite what the problem might be?
  2. roflstomp100

    Tents keep getting wiped after server reset

    Yea, we always hit save, we know the drill However we always lose at least 3 tents with equipment in there and it gets annoying, but yet we go check other peoples tents that we have written down, all their stuff is respawned, even after we take it lol. It's almost as if we farm off them lol
  3. roflstomp100

    Pending Update: Build

    * [FIXED] Tents and items with ID's above 1 million don't syncronize (now it should syncronize, players to confirm) I'm not sure with this means, does this mean tents will finally keep the items you put in there after a server restart? I just started playing a few weeks ago, and i noticed everytime me and my friends set up tents and put items we find in there, and save them, they still get wiped after every server yet when we go around to the other tents from other people that set them down, their items will always respawn. Will this update fix this, or am i on a completely different bug lol