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About DrofPwnology

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DrofPwnology

    DayZ Stories

    Having fun enduring the hacking :) Log into the game - friend and I get approached by invincible hacker and die in the woods. I respawn need Solnichniy and see a sweet sweet van parked in the gas station nearby. As I come back from getting tires for it, I see somebody running from the gas station - having a double barreled shotgun I chase after him for what seems like a good minute, then take two shots as he pauses briefly. Obviously this isn't enough and the guy has a CZ550. He waits around the corner for me, so I flank by going around the house - at this point zeds are on my ass due to the shotgun fire. Running out of my only TWO rounds in the shotgun, I switch to the hatchet and proceed to axe him to death while evading CZ fire at close range :) Long story short, I eventually succumb to zeds 20 minutes later :( Anyways, so I start again on beach near balota. Then a hacker teleports us to Thunderdome - This is what happens: Sorry my FRAPS setting buggered up and didnt record my voice, only my friends. <youtube>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJSn6bSIGwE</youtube> After surviving this miraculously - I relog in to find I didn't retain any of the items and I'm suddenly at NW airfields still with my hatchet. Luckily I spot a person in a car. This is what happens: <youtube>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ybpy12rdI0</youtube> All in all a fun night - learning to just live with the hackers and getting enjoyment anyways :) P.S. Stay tuned for more vids. Unfortunately we lost the car since the server restarted before we saved :(
  2. Hello DayZ Community! DrofPwnology here - I was sad witnessing the constant barrage of posts regarding hackers and dc'ers, so I decided to throw up a quick video. I am faced with MULTIPLE chances tonight to dc, but the game is far more entertaining once I realized that death is actually very fun since it lets you play the amazing early game :) Long story short - I hear somebody rapidly approaching me after he spots me at the Elektro firehall. So I decided that today was the day I become a man. Armed with only a crowbar, I kill somebody as he comes up the stairs and we enter a VERY close combat duel. Taking almost no damage because I was savaging him like an ape with my crowbar, I grab his stuff and enter the town for medical supplies. The video is what happens after. P.S. Yes I know I make retarded decisions. lol. Just enjoy the video of an idiot running through the fields. P.P.S. Dear snipers... WHY YOU DO?!! :( [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh2ylhDstqA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh2ylhDstqA[/url[/media]