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Everything posted by shypatrick

  1. So a few days ago I found a downed helicopter, I had the game cut out for me. I found this downed helicopter on my third or fourth life. I decided to run to the NW Airefield, the next time I logged in both my weapons (M104, M249) were gone. I died with a ghillie suit and thought, well what next? I continued again, found some good loot. Got sniped. For some reason whenever I die, I kind of smile. I smile, because I get to find those things all over again. I get to scavenge and sneak around all over again, constantly running through Elektro checking for enemies. And when I get some good quality items (for example looted this A550 and ghiilie suit off a body) I use the knowledge I learned from my previous deaths to get better. I think thats the fun in the game, dying releases your from that "I must protect my swell,shiny items" attitude. Now you get to find them all over again! Who knows maybe you'll kill that guy camping Stary this life. Maybe not! Rebuilding from ground zero makes DayZ fun. It's not the gear you have, its the adventure to get them!
  2. shypatrick

    I Achieved my Dream Loadout!!

    Well I did it! All those looting runs and zombies have led me up to this. My complete Dream Loadout. :) Also if you guys have seen me post around the forums and like my videos, subscribe to me on youtube! Trying to build up a friends list to conquer all the land! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNiFJrbA6_o
  3. So this was my first time dying from a hacker, it was quite an interesting experience! Basically I'm in NW Airfield I kill an animal for meat. I carefully approach the dead body. Suddenly someone teleports in front of me and boom dead. All in one second! Lost my SVD Camo, Ghille, NVGS< and M4A3 CCO. Well that was interesting, I kinda laughed actually it was like playing slender, this also happened all at night xD So I ask what was your worst loot lost to a hacker? Again death is no trouble for me. Just unfair though.
  4. shypatrick

    Horrible Car Accident

    So I was taxing some lads to the airport when all of a sudden, disaster strikes! I sure hope my insurance covers this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI2LLRfI8Kk&feature=plcp
  5. So me and my new friend went on a roadtrip after repairing a car. We stop by a town to get some supplies, suddenly my friend is killed and I must avenge him. As I go to Avenge him I get shot but not killed, as I lay unconscious I contemplate my vengance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN8uD6mpXZk&feature=youtu.be
  6. shypatrick

    Stole chopper with just Enfield

    *your debug monitor resets when your skin changes.
  7. So today I spawned and was shot by a hacker/camper. I spawned again in the same spot, this time out for vengeance.
  8. shypatrick

    Worst Hacker Ever in Existence

    He has hacked in weapons. :)
  9. shypatrick

    Worst Hacker Ever in Existence

    When you log off of DayZ the hacked weapons disappear. The hacked weapons are weapons from OA brought into DayZ. The hive doesn't save it because it is not a legitimate weapon/item in the mod itself.
  10. shypatrick

    Worst Hacker Ever in Existence

    *From my previous life. I was walking to Cherno when I was sniped. He took my ghillie. I spawned again but luckily close to him. I came back and you know, the video. Sorry for the unclarity.
  11. shypatrick

    Worst Hacker Ever in Existence

    Well they had hacked in weapons (G36C, AS50 TWS) which are not available in the mod itself. :) And thanks!
  12. shypatrick

    How to down Heli with a lee enfield :)

    Just to contribute to the bumrush, the various de-syncs throughout the video make it seems very much less likely to pull off. I'm not saying you didn't shoot it down and I'm not saying you did. Just a little advice for this forum sir, post with appropriate grammar and coherent sentences. It would make this thread a lot more respectable. Also just my personal opinion dubstep is crap. Anyway happy hunting!
  13. shypatrick

    No Mr Pig NOOOOOOO

    So I was looting Elektro and well this happened.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njIwvWbPX30&feature=youtu.be
  14. Hey guys I've been posting my videos on this forum weekly and love doing it. I'm looking for some feedback and subscribers for my channel. I'm not trying to be one of those "Ad-whores" but just some honest opinions of my channel. :) So replies and feedback/tips to better my videos are greatly appreciated. And for those looking for lucky loot/cqb videos I'm your guy! May the loot god ever be in your favor! http://www.youtube.c...ypatrick/videos
  15. shypatrick

    Looking for some Youtube support

    Also thanks for subscribing ^^
  16. shypatrick

    Looking for some Youtube support

    :) I've been contemplating buying MGS4 again which is why haha.
  17. shypatrick

    Double Kill Vengance

    I get revenge on my killers with a double kill. Revenge is a dish best served undead. Also pardon me if my "accent" comes in at times. Hope you enjoy it! Also if you have a youtube channel if you'd want to subscribe that would make me most joyous. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN19-ksC3Ag&feature=youtu.be
  18. shypatrick

    Another Helicopter Crash Site

    So I found another heli crash site last night. Already died with the stuff but at least they were good finds. In all honesty having everything you want gets boring. Anyway enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs_0e6WmmmA
  19. shypatrick

    Another Helicopter Crash Site

  20. Hey guys! Yesterday I found an M14 AIM or M14 EP1 in an elektro firestation. Just wondering how rare are they? Some input would be greatly appreciated. Also whoever replies beans for you!
  21. shypatrick

    Another Helicopter Crash Site

    First things first. MK48 is way too loud. Second, I have a M24 at my camp M107 is really obselete. Third how is looting good or bad, really you get your stuff and leave. ;p
  22. Found this while looting around in elektro last night. I ask how rare are they? Also are they as rare and cursed like mountain dew? [Click to enlarge picture]
  23. shypatrick


    What kind of sound do you think it makes?
  24. shypatrick

    Flanking a loot farmer/camper

    Justice!! Oh and the guy was the prominent cause for the lack of equipped players. Try to guess the theme song and get beans! Hey and if you like this video and have a youtube account, liking it would be greatly appreciated. Subscribing would require me to dose you in chocolate flavored liquid gold. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGM9cVNOKSI
  25. shypatrick

    Oh hai someone's tent

    Walter!!!! Where's Jesse?!!