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Everything posted by shypatrick

  1. Thanks for the advice, I thought you were talking about the video and commentating on it. But ingame I will start to use my mic then since I found a group to play with. Beans for you! :)
  2. Reading is good for you! I meant to make it overly dramatic for comedic value.
  3. Ah I love Queen and that song! I'm going to start thinking of that when I kill bandits now. Haha ^^
  4. Well I guess you couldn't blame him for shooting if I had my gun out, but whatever. Those are very valid points sir. Welp time to start over!
  5. You spelled furry wrong. I believe its "Furry" and I believe the phrase is. "Oh look another Furry/Carebear thread. Go back to Facebook its more your speed. And I say to you sir good day!
  6. Really nothing to lose so why not. :(
  7. shypatrick

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    For NVIDIA Users! Go to your NVIDIA Control Panel go to manage 3D settings and turn threaded optimization on, and click apply! This way no matter what, whenever your PC runs DayZ it always uses all your cores. Sometimes threaded optimization in the ArmaOA config does not work for me. So bottom line Control Panel>NVIDIA Control Panel> Manage 3D Settings > ArmaOA > Turn Threaded optimization on Hope it helps! Helped me, but ya know it's different for all of us! :)
  8. So was heading to NW Airbase when out of the silence I hear gunshots. To my suprise a Player with a Ghillie Suit and M16A2 was dispatching of some zombies. Knowing this player has at least a ghillie suit, I am very confident he doesn't react well to other survivors. I follow the player on his looting route, I shoot him once he makes line of sight with me just as he takes a glimpse at me. Here is the loot I got from the body! Sorry to those offended by PKing but survival of the fittest. Also beans for whoever gets the song in the video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WRtQPDXwfE
  9. shypatrick

    My First Blood in DayZ (Good Loot)

    Sure! When I finish my trip to the airfield, we can explore castles and stuff. :)
  10. shypatrick

    My First Blood in DayZ (Good Loot)

    DING DING DING We have a winner! Your grand prize is! Beans!!
  11. shypatrick

    My First Blood in DayZ (Good Loot)

    Thanks for the tip. :) This game enthralls me just simply because of all the loot. Hopefully I can find some Goggles in and airbase or Stary.
  12. shypatrick

    My First Helicopter Crash Site

    Good eye! I missed it. Unfortunately it wouldn't have mattered, considering ghillie suits are not compatible with female character models :(
  13. shypatrick

    My First Helicopter Crash Site

    My advice is to just travel North, whilst doing so you'll see many fields and mountains. Which are bound to have a downed heli. :)
  14. shypatrick

    My First Helicopter Crash Site

    If you watched the whole video, I didn't.......
  15. shypatrick

    My First Helicopter Crash Site

    Oh! Hahaha you must've heard it recently. It's from the "Dark Knight" movie series.
  16. shypatrick

    My First Helicopter Crash Site

    Thanks! And yeah the saw owns!
  17. shypatrick

    My First Helicopter Crash Site

    Don't worry you'll find one. :) If you journey to the north military bases then your bound to find one!
  18. shypatrick

    DayZ Limbo? Really weird glitch

    I do take responsibilty for being a dick. In order to cleanse my self I left the server and disposed of my character via runnning into the middle of a firefight, and then went to confesesion. k good. k cool.
  19. shypatrick

    DayZ Limbo? Really weird glitch

    I didn't mean to. Really I though I was lagged into oblivion. :(
  20. So was going on a loot run in elektro and headed to the fire station. In the tower I found an AK on the top 3 floors. I'm relatively new so is this uncommon/rare? Or is it just usually like that maybe after a sever reboot?
  21. Ok, thanks so much for the feedback!