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Everything posted by Xtjaga3

  1. I have been watching videos, hawking reddit, cruising this forum, and scanning every news sight for weeks. I bought my computer 9 years ago. It sucks. Stumbled across this mod and started researching my first build (I'm a slime ball console gamer). It's fresh and fascinating. Been a gamer since I was 7 (I'm 30). Unfortunately with school starting I will have to wait for Xmas break. The real deal awesomeballs thing about this game is that I saw Rocket posting in forums about it. That is so new to me. It's inspiring. He apologized once for a mistake. Blew my mind after a lot of the major recent console games had bs launches and bs responses from the devs. I appreciate a man that owns hIs product. I will support this full on. Quit bashIng every little thing you can. This is great news for gamers. Everything about it. New engine. Standalone. Started with one guys mod. All of it is great news.