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Everything posted by trb

  1. I'm a sever admin, our server is always up to date with the latest stable patch. Thats why we could find and repair the heli in the first place. But since the first reset since we found it the heli vanished and hasn't been seen again. Also on our server the Hilux utes have never spawned and neither has the yellow UAZ [camo one has spawned]. The blue Ural did spawn and was repaired and in use but it vanished and didn't respawn either. everything else seems to have spawned and still be on the server.
  2. So when is the fix for heli's vanishing on server reset going in? We repaired the heli on our server after they went live and the next day the server needed a restart, so we make sure the heli is saved and reset the server, then they heli isn't there on a server up. it hasn't reappeared since, either in the saved location or at its spawn point. Its pretty annoying really. The only heli on our server since was one spawned by a hacker that was quickly fixed with a server restart.
  3. You're an idiot. As server admins we get 0 tools to help stop the hacking as it happens, now we don't even have a side chat for people to tell us whats going on, are we now suppossed to also pay for a public teamspeak 3 server and police that too so that people can tell us when they see hacking going on? meanwhile the hackers out there have tools like this http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg13/scaled.php?server=13&filename=tentsrandom.jpg&res=landing that are reading from all the info stored in active memory the game client gets sent [for no good reason] letting them see where everyone is, where every vehicle is, where every tent is, where every zombie is, in fact that can see where and what every piece of spawned loot is in the game. Thats not even counting the hacks for killing people instantly and spawning vehicles .etc., this is just the passive hacks that BE can never detect and that can't be stopped until the server stops sending every piece of data about everything on the server to the client all the time. as a server admin, where are my tools to see people teleporting around the map? teleporting vehicles, tent duping .etc? what I have to manually parse the log in notepad for hours per day trying to spot some script usage which 90% of the time BE doesn't even detect because of active memory injection?
  4. Once the Heli patch went live and helis were back in the game the hive was no longer accepting connections from older versions [supposedly]. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48598-server-side-hotfix-072-helicopter-status-and-server-info/ So if it was after the hive change the older server version should not have been able to run, according to that dev post. Just saying.