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About natdog027

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  1. natdog027

    Looking to start squad/clan.

    Hello, I am Natdog027 and i am interested in joining you in starting a Team/Squad/Clan. My play style really depends on how i feel, although i am currently seeing what its like being a bandit. I also change my in-game name a lot. Also i have been looking for someone/s to team up with in dayz and record our adventures and post them on you-tube. So if you would like i could do that Do you have mic: Yep Where do you live: Australia What times can you play: 8:30am - 6:00pm till the 3rd. From the 4th 4-6pm. If your interested in teaming up just add me on Skype: natdog027 or Steam: natdog027 Thanks Natdog027
  2. people would like more information before they add you
  3. Hello everyone, Natdog here, So im looking for 1-2 people to team up with. I dont really care your age or experience just that your 14+, have a mic and know how to play. I live in austrlia and can play most days and sometimes on weekends. I've been playing dayz for a couple of weeks and know how to get by. So if you wanna team up just pm me or hit me up on steam: Steam name: natdog027 Thanks natdog
  4. natdog027

    Just for everyone to know.

    Yes, but there are too many of them, it needs to be balanced. Other wise this mod just turns into a giant deathmatch arena.
  5. so far most people ive meet have been friendly, and ive only been shot at 3 times.. Guess im just a luckier person the others :/
  6. natdog027

    Just wanna know

    it sucks, it happend to me :/
  7. natdog027

    Team Mate

    http://ausdayz.com/ thats a great aussie dayz community
  8. natdog027

    Has the game ever walked you off a roof?

    well i remember once when i broke my legs in a barn my guy started crawling around randomly
  9. natdog027

    Damn the F key in DayZ.

    sucks, but thats dayz. proboly shoulda remapped your keys