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Everything posted by Ddizzy

  1. a good sniping spot is not good if everybody knows about it.
  2. Ddizzy

    Dear Hackers

    to be fair just because he had nice loot doesnt mean he was a hacker. hackers spawn crates and sometimes other players will find them and they take whatever is in them. ive taken a golden aks from a dead body one time. probably wasnt a good idea to be carrying a hacked gun around.
  3. Ddizzy

    Hackerz all over

    im not seeing full servers anymore. its a shame funny that dayz reached 1million players though
  4. Ddizzy

    US 711 @ approx. 8:30am CST

    yes unfortunately hackers on us 711 or most of the servers hosted by HFB.com are way too common. its nothing new really. but i believe there are lots of hackers on these servers because HFB does not let the admin be able to ban playesr or monitor the server without them logging on to it. but i have talked to the server admin about this so dont worry hes working on it. best just to wait
  5. hackers on us 711 have become a usual thing now. we really need an admin on or at least a moderator with power to ban. ive contacted the server host already so there should be a cleanup soon. i believe hes working on getting the hackers client id so they can be banned from battleye. just need to wait
  6. except one is against the rules and the other is not
  7. i've seen this happen before a while ago. must have something to do with server lag or desyncing
  8. Ddizzy

    HFB Servers Forum

    i'm pretty sure 1 enables and 0 disables that's why you'll see servers that have "CH:1" for cross hairs enabled or "3RD:0" for 3rd person disabled
  9. Ddizzy

    HFB Servers Forum

    if HFB is the same one that is hosting US 711 then it could really use a server admin or forums to help ban this alt f4ing player. im really certain people are still doing it that's why we need to have a player log out message in chat so that an admin may kick or ban that player. if the forums are down due to lack of staff i would be willing to apply to help out however i can. servers definitely need admins though
  10. Ddizzy

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i am at krasnostav and ne airstrip. if thats too far i can come to you. i just need to cure this sickness.
  11. Ddizzy

    Antibiotics up North?

    if you got antibiotics i will come to you guys and give you all meds you need. i just need to cure this sickness
  12. Ddizzy

    Antibiotics up North?

    i too appear to have the same sickness but it seems that antibiotics dont spawn anymore. i have checked the hospitals over and over and find nothing. the only antibiotics around are the ones that people have had on them for a while. the patches must have deleted them or something.
  13. Ddizzy

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    damn i got a sickness 3 days ago and im currently coughing/losing blood every 2-3 seconds. and i cannot find any antibiotics in the hospital. ive checked so many times but nothing. i think they must have been accidentally removed in the last patches. anyways if someone on the white list would be so kind as to save me from my sickness with antibiotics i would greatly appreciate it. ive been going thru every cooked meat and blood bag i have for the past 3 days.. steam id: DDizzy im on gmt-7:00
  14. Ddizzy

    DayZ =MVP= Vexeon PvP

    "im so 1337 killing new spawns on the coast. nw is boring and empty." kill yourself
  15. Ddizzy

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    zombies spawning too fast in large numbers on us servers. wasnt this suppose to be fixed?