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Everything posted by Drakkarius

  1. Drakkarius

    Batteries & Restoring Power

    Agreed with 1000%. Spot on, mate.
  2. Drakkarius

    Realistic & Fair Weapons Suggestions

    I agree with all points stated, but would like to see Zacks drop easier when I shoot them in the head with an AK. No reason they should survive that. Also, different classes of body armour would be nice. IIA for cops and IIIA for military mayhaps? And helmets for fragmentation deflection and *maybe* small pistol rounds. Although, in line with your fight or flight statement. Last night, during the game time which most of the influence for these ideas came from, we were standing (John and myself) on a flight control tower. Next thing I know, I see a big red splat come out from just under my chest and to the right (looked like it came from the left, so that should make its path mostly through flesh that isn't vital). I died instantly from what sounded like an M4 from very far off. This made sense in a way and did not in another. As I was caught completely unaware, hydrostatic shock can instantly kill just about any man. But from a carbine which shoots with less force than your average rifle and the poor shot placement, this makes somewhat less sense. Just my two cents.
  3. Drakkarius

    Differentiating Bullets & Magazines

    This was rather aggravating when we (me and John here) were playing together. I had found the aforementioned MP5SD earlier (after having had all its ammo dumped in my direction) and two normal MP5 mags later on some Milzombs. Which was annoying as hell when to my amazement I could not feed the 9x19 ammo in an MP5 magazine into my MP5. Needless to say, this could use some work.
  4. Drakkarius

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    You, sir, are simply amazing.