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Everything posted by ezlyconfuzed

  1. ezlyconfuzed

    Heli's not saving?

    actually you're wrong...RARELY a vehicle will save after a server restart but prior to we had 10 vehicles fixed up at our camp and after the last BE and arma patch, they all returned to their spawn locations broke again...we spent 4-5 resets fixing them again and every time they returned, including the huey, and every reset i have sat next to a vehicle and i have to fix it no matter how many times i save it...read other threads no vehicles save on homie
  2. if you close the game out completly and log back in, it fixes
  3. the current server we have doesnt save vehicles when the servers restart, is this our host or is it the game itself...iv been thinking of switching to another server company to try and see if this works on your servers...can anyone whose purchased a server confirm if vehicles and tents actually save correctly after server restarts?
  4. ezlyconfuzed

    spawning in knocked out

    let the hour glass empty, it happens when you get shock and then log out, even if you dont have the shock symbol, you could still have shock and if you logout, you'll have to wait for it to run out before you can regain consciousness
  5. ezlyconfuzed

    Server Save/Reset

    Alright so the server we are on resets every few hours but alot of the items/vehicle locations/items in the vehicles/tents always revert back to the original save. If we store stuff in vehicles and tents, when the server resets it all reverts back to the way it was even when we do the save vehicle/tent. Is there a way to save the server so we dont have to keep redoing several hours worth of work? If we drive a vehicle all the way to the coast and the server resets, the vehicle goes back to the location we picked it up at. Not the spawn location but the spot it was in at our camp. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know. Thanks
  6. ezlyconfuzed

    Trading for car.

    got a ural and a gaz stashed away on a decent us server...gonna take alota loot to get both of those though, few L85s and several sets of nvgs
  7. ezlyconfuzed

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    happened to 5 of us when we first started playing after the patch was updated, logged out several times while we were playing for like 5-6 hours due to the still occuring graphix glitch that happens around military bodies and logged in back in the same spot, but i stoped playing for a few hours and when i logged back in, i went back to the beach
  8. Nice job logging into our game earlier, insta-teleporting behind us in a moving vehicle, and when we get a few hundred yards away, insta-teleporting behind us again. You killed one of the guys, another 2 were injured, but you left me unhurt...i was able to take down two of you before the third guy insta-teleported back behind me after i jacked him up in the first engagement and killed me...People like you guys take the fun out of the game and you made 2 of my friends quit and will never be returning so nice job, now not only will they not be playing this, but they wont be supporting arma anymore in their next day Z game...we dont mind dieing in a fair fight but i jacked 2 of you up and the third had to run away before spawning behind me to kill me...its people like you who ruin the game for those who dont mind dieing but not to hackers so good job and if this was your plan, you succedded
  9. i got lots of cool stories of fun shit happening on this game with the same people