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Everything posted by OFhooligan24

  1. Hey everyone, My names Alex aka OFhooligan, Im recruiting new members for a skilled survival malitia group. We have Multiple High power semi-auto rifles + Shotguns+ Pistols, A good amount of vehicles such as a ATV's, a Bus, and a Van. We also will supply members with food and water. :beans: Anyone is welcome as long as you have a mic and you are trustworthy. If you are interested you can reach me on my steam @ killswat24 or on my skype @ OFhooligan24. :D :beans: :thumbsup: :ph34r: :bandit:
  2. Hey guys, I'm looking for a naturally skilled group to join that does not receive any spawning help from hackers. Ive been playing ArmA for years and I'm skilled with almost every weapon. I can fly and land every type of flight vehicle with ease. I'm mainly looking for a group on either Chernarus or Lingor island. Thanks
  3. Ight are you on at the moment? And what map do you play on?
  4. OFhooligan24

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    Steam: killswat In game id: OFhooligan24 Aprox hours: 550+ Specialty: mind strategy, stealth, every weapon, navigation, can fly and land any flight vehicle with ease.
  5. OFhooligan24

    ATV Thief vs Crossbow

    Great shot, killing that guy probably felt pretty good. Beans for you.
  6. I am beginning to recruit survivalists for a new separate militia on Lingor Island. We have recently lost are main vehicle but we still are well equipped. There are many vehicle spawns I know of and I have 3 vehicles that are in need of repair in a hidden location. The 3 vehicles are a Lingor Island military Ural, an old hatchback and a sadan. They all need repairs. If you are willing to join the group just message me and I will be able to answer any questions you have.
  7. One of my favorite low ping servers has been down for the past few hours, if anyone can give me some info on the http://install.CrewGaming.com #2 Lingor Island Map|Sanctuary Private Hive| / 95883) server please let me know.
  8. OFhooligan24

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    I agree totally agree, this problem has grown extremely fast over the past few months. Thats why I now only play on Lingor Island now. It's a new beautiful landscape with massive cities and it's hacker free. :D
  9. OFhooligan24

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    I agree totally agree, this problem has grown extremely fast over the past few months. Thats why I now only pla
  10. OFhooligan24

    Looking to join or start surviver group

    Look at my last post guys, I am recruiting for a Lingor Island militia if you are interested
  11. OFhooligan24

    Now recruiting for Lingor Island Militia

    You should be able to join any European server if you have the new update and if not change your multiplayer Timezone.
  12. DayZ is not another zombie infection first person shooter. It's a mind fucking simulation. It pulls you into a extremely realistic infection simulation. Shit, dayZ is as realistic as it gets. Just imagine you are in a broken world, there are few survivors, low amounts of food, and infected people everywhere. If you find another person there is a very low chance of him whipping out his dick to you and giving you a friendly high five. You may have something that he wants or needs, or he may think you are just trying to trick him by saying "I'm friendly" just to get a chance to kill him and take his supplies, either way you will get your mind fucked by lead bullets. Nowhere is completely safe in DayZ. You iether have to man up and think like a survivor or stop playing.
  13. OFhooligan24

    DayZ people... do you play ARMA?

    Same* I used to have ArmA: Armed Assault (ArmA 1) and I had a bunch of mods on there, my favorite ones were the Alien invasion mod, and 28 Days later mod.
  14. OFhooligan24

    DayZ people... do you play ARMA?

    I've had and played ArmA 1 & 2, but most DayZ players don't have much ArmA experience. That explains why there are so many nooks and also why you can rarely find or see helicopters, most inexperienced aircraft pilots crash them.
  15. Everyone probably knows about those insanely blinding graphical errors that you see on your screen when getting near Cherno, Military camps, airfields, Barracks, Hangars, etc.. You see them in all the places that you would want to go in your DayZ life. I cant even walk past churno without my eyes watering from the strobe death. This is a major problem that has been going on for too long and needs to be fixed very soon.
  16. OFhooligan24


    We are not dumb child, we know what alpha means and we know it is in the proccess of becoping final, but this is one mega fucked up problem that is messing up most of DayZ and im growing tired of seeing blazing piss shooting into my eyes every time i look at high value military areas.
  17. OFhooligan24


    Ya I try that and it works for a certain amount of time but then glitches up again.
  18. Hey guys, If anyone needs help repairing a heli I have all the parts, i also do heli tutorials. If you need refueling i can refuel a helicopter for you within five minutes. Just tell me what server. if you can give me a ride up north in return for repairing and refueling you r heli i would be very thankfull.
  19. OFhooligan24

    Looking for a clan

    Add me on skype. Im the leader of a well equipped malitial. We can take you in.
  20. OFhooligan24

    {Rare Trade}

    Do you have a heli?
  21. OFhooligan24

    New to the game. Need a squad

    I am in the eastern time zone
  22. OFhooligan24

    Looking for a new team

    I am recruiting for my militia. we have a wide range of skilled players, weapons, food, drinks, and vehicles. If you are interested we can take you in, my skype name is OFhooligan24.
  23. OFhooligan24

    Anyone wanna team up?

    Im recruiting for a militia group, we have a great amount of food, weapons, and vehicles. If you are interested my skype name is OFhooligan24.
  24. OFhooligan24

    New to the game. Need a squad

    I am recruiting for a militia. We have a good amount of weapons, food, and vehicles. if you are interested my skype name is OFhooligan24. We can take you in.