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Posts posted by OFhooligan24

  1. I am beginning to recruit survivalists for a new separate militia on Lingor Island. We have recently lost are main vehicle but we still are well equipped. There are many vehicle spawns I know of and I have 3 vehicles that are in need of repair in a hidden location. The 3 vehicles are a Lingor Island military Ural, an old hatchback and a sadan. They all need repairs. If you are willing to join the group just message me and I will be able to answer any questions you have.

  2. DayZ is not another zombie infection first person shooter. It's a mind fucking simulation. It pulls you into a extremely realistic infection simulation. Shit, dayZ is as realistic as it gets. Just imagine you are in a broken world, there are few survivors, low amounts of food, and infected people everywhere. If you find another person there is a very low chance of him whipping out his dick to you and giving you a friendly high five. You may have something that he wants or needs, or he may think you are just trying to trick him by saying "I'm friendly" just to get a chance to kill him and take his supplies, either way you will get your mind fucked by lead bullets. Nowhere is completely safe in DayZ. You iether have to man up and think like a survivor or stop playing.

  3. Arma 2 hipster here. I had Arma 2 before it was cool. I only heard of dayz because the multiplayer list was getting spammed with them over and over. There are tons of mods I have downloaded over the years and the map editor is very nice (once you figure it out).

    I did enjoy showing off my chopper skills since I understood the controls before DayZ.

    Same* I used to have ArmA: Armed Assault (ArmA 1) and I had a bunch of mods on there, my favorite ones were the Alien invasion mod, and 28 Days later mod.

  4. Arma 2 hipster here. I had Arma 2 before it was cool. I only heard of dayz because the multiplayer list was getting spammed with them over and over. There are tons of mods I have downloaded over the years and the map editor is very nice (once you figure it out).

    I did enjoy showing off my chopper skills since I understood the controls before DayZ.


  5. This so all you people bitching need to shut the fuck up. It's and alpha and whenever something happens bad everyone freaks out and complains like this is full production game that's already been released.It's been said for a while next patch will fix it.

    We are not dumb child, we know what alpha means and we know it is in the proccess of becoping final, but this is one mega fucked up problem that is messing up most of DayZ and im growing tired of seeing blazing piss shooting into my eyes every time i look at high value military areas.

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  6. Everyone probably knows about those insanely blinding graphical errors that you see on your screen when getting near Cherno, Military camps, airfields, Barracks, Hangars, etc.. You see them in all the places that you would want to go in your DayZ life. I cant even walk past churno without my eyes watering from the strobe death. This is a major problem that has been going on for too long and needs to be fixed very soon.
