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The Jerry

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About The Jerry

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. >Inb4 trolls call thread In all seriousness, raw meat should be edible, because in an emergency nobody would give a fuck. But for balance sake, make it cause you to get sick.
  2. The Jerry

    What was that? A Meteor?

    That caught me off guard too lol
  3. So, the sentiment of the OP is clearly from the heart. People should appreciate that. That's a genuine concern, however; Anybody that could or would take the word of a game (or likewise reality simulator), verbatim, with zero personal research, probably has a multitude of other problems that would cause struggle for such a person to even actually successfully exit the house in the first place. Would definitely not hold up in a court either. But again, the concern should be appreciated as it is, for what it is. A concern. One that over four pages has been savagely, in lighter terms, "been shown to have little grasp on the reality of actual human behaviour when presented with new information.". I as well suggest thread lockage, unless anything else could be added in a civilized manner.
  4. The Jerry

    Bandits > Survivors.

    Screw the knees! Rip some throats, go for the turkey!
  5. Sent the message day or so ago, no response yet.
  6. Someone needs to get on that! No results in the next 24hrs and I will, I need that song man.