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About colossul

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. He's playing smart, he doesn't go in rambo style which is what keeps you alive, out of those 110 kills I'm pretty sure there's geared players that were killed
  2. colossul

    Traders and Traitors

    I would like to add the player "Shinya" to the douchebag list for killing me after I traded with him and saved him from starvation. I was supposed to trade him 8 DMR mags for an alice pack and ghillie suit. After i dropped all the items on the ground for him he picked them up and shot me.
  3. If you have any of those items please hit me up I really need them. Here's what I have to offer (All the guns come with 5-6mags). FN FAL, G17, GPS, ranger finger, NV, m4a1, DMR. lots of medical supplies. So tell me what you want in exchange and i'll make it happen
  4. Hey I need an Alice pack or coyote pack (preferably coyote pack), and a ghillie suit. Also looking for a tent Here's what I have to trade: NV goggles, Range finder, GPS, M4A1. FN FAL, G17, Including 5-6 mags for each gun lots of medical supplies (including antibiotics)
  5. East coast here too, I'm playing with a few peeps were well geared, and raid have vehicules on a couple servers, and raid north as much as possible
  6. Where are you located in RL? I'm on the east coast and im also looking to teamup
  7. colossul

    Looking for a group to travel with!

    Im Also looking for some friendlies to travel and loot with, hit me up on skype "devonwins"