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About kwrn

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  1. kwrn

    PvP tips we all should know.

    In real life tree's are not bulletproof. Just saying...and in case some peoples are ever fighting zombies out in their neighborhood someday..lolz.
  2. kwrn

    Simply surviving.

    Try checking out the day z map website so you can figure out where some of the more remote higher yield items are. Go for barns at first and step it up to deer stands afterwards. I usually start in the city to gather supplies from a fresh respawn because I need a map, backpack, compass and matches.
  3. It seems like the only alternative to playing the game is to not play it and just wait for it to go stand-alone if your that bothered by hackers. So that pretty much means we are shit outa luck. Or wait untill next year to play warz when it comes out. It sucks but its the aweful truth. Go find another game. I'll stick it out for while longer untill they finally do get me pissed off enough but I am just a really persistent guy who can take a lot before giving up.
  4. How are you alive? Is that even possible? between hackers and server admins that cheat you should already be dead maybe 5 times and that is not including bandits. I get killed by server admins and hackers all the freakin time....I guess im on the wrong servers..
  5. The server admin insta killed everyone on this server at just about 1pm est; US #00 ( [VET][GMT+1][|3DP:ON|CH:ON] (NYC 308) dayzmod.com - Hosted by closeknitgaming.com He did'nt just do it once either, he kept doing it repeatedly.
  6. watch out for sniper teams. I've seen sniper teams with decoys running around behind them scouting for counter snipers.
  7. kwrn

    difficulty increased?

    Just to add a bit more to what I see going on; I've seen zombies spawning in houses that are inaccessible as they walk out through the closed doors. I've seen them walk through walls of different types, I've even seen them move unhindered through concertina wire, tank mines and sandbag walls. Also, I could have sworn that on a couple occasions a zombie has spawned directly behind me and that always freaks me out because I'm usually very alert to my surroundings.
  8. Sorry Mark, I'm sure that you are a good guy but I'm gonna hold out to find someone closer to my age.
  9. kwrn

    difficulty increased?

    Yes I've noticed they start charging me from way the hell out there since the patch if I'm standing and running or even crouch running. They are harder to lose and they run inside areas that they previously were not able to run in and they sometimes run to the exit on small buildings now so running straight through doesn't always work. Time to rethink my zombie herder playstyle perhaps and start going more stealthy...
  10. Is it just me or did this game just get a lot harder starting from a fresh respawn? The zombies seem to be more intelligent and they break bones / knock unconcious more often maybe but not sure.. I've been having a tough time out there. :(
  11. Hi peoples, I'm looking for a friendly partner to hunt players/gear with. Basically what I like to do is roam around the map and have some fun scouting for players, tents, clan camp sites etc.. I'm looking for someone who is about my age; 33 or someone with a maturity level that matches that age. It gets lonely in dayz after a while out in the forests all alone... I'm laid back and drama free. I'm not into raging/stressing in this game at all and I don't want to play with anyone that gets angry or stressed when something bad happens. If this sounds like your playstyle then lets meet up in game. Oh and also this is for US servers preferably close to the GMT +5 through -5 time zone. I play on veteran/regular with servers that have the easy mode map location disabled. Peace out.
  12. kwrn

    Stary Sobor a waste of time?

    Had the same problem but I went and found a shotgun then ran a wide circle around the tree line, found a sniper and mowed him down. Payday! Tons of loot. Much better than the tents.
  13. same thing happening for me as well..