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AutumnWolf (Ookami)

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About AutumnWolf (Ookami)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Interests
    Gaming, DayZ, and Women. Single ;)
  1. AutumnWolf (Ookami)

    Has DayZ made you laugh out loud?

    Ok so me and my friends were gonna make a base at Willow Lake one of my friends finally get there and we got bored waiting for the others so we started messing around and about 2 min later we start pron jumpingish around and he does it into this little tree and well.........he dies. It was so fucking hilarious.
  2. AutumnWolf (Ookami)

    Any Way To Remove Marks On The Map?

    Omg fucking hilarious because the person that did it.........WAS ME Trolololololololol. And I am not joking it really was me.