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About drbigtoe

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  1. drbigtoe


    "Hacker Free" Thats Cute.
  2. drbigtoe

    Looking some buddies you up?

    Hey man, me and my buddy have been playing about a year now, and we have a few cars and tents, we'd be happy to help you out by playing with you or just giving you some gear.
  3. drbigtoe

    DayZ Bounty Hunters

    I like your style and respect your committment to making bambi's lives hell. And even though you would be a pleasure to work with while in my bandit days, I promise that I will hunt you, and I will kill you.
  4. drbigtoe

    DayZ Bounty Hunters

    I have gotten several requests, and am almost done with the ones before you, so soon you shall bathe in the blood of your enemies, and deck yourself in the loot they once called their own.
  5. DayZ Bounty Hunters Have you recently been killed by some thundercunt bandit, just so he can have your beans? Is there a guy on your server who constantly brags about his loot, or his love for killing innocents? Well, not anymore. I have begun to set up a small operation, and with a few vehicles, some coke and beans, and a very high powered sniper rifle, I'd like to make all of your problems go away. Simply reply or PM me the persons name, his last known location, the server he was on (Optional), and any other information that could be helpful, and I will do my best to hunt him down, and put a bullet through his tiny brain. I ask of nothing in return, except for maybe some quick meds, or food/drink. Once the kill takes place, I will give you the location of the body and you may have all of your foe's loot, no questions asked. And if you try to set me up, I assure you, even if you do kill me, you will not be alive for much longer. Happy Hunting, drbigtoe
  6. drbigtoe

    Your Best DayZ Jokes?

    Any friendlies in Cherno?
  7. drbigtoe


    So I was wandering around, and I managed to stumble across a HUGE mega camp. It's on server de 287 at Windy Mountain. Its admin owned, so whatever you take gets reset. There is a bus, a tractor, a helicopter, and a UAZ. In the tents you will find just about every gun in the game. Ranging from AS50's to FN FAL's. Even a few hacked guns, like the L115A1. Ghillie suits, Satchel Charges, NVGs, and GPS. Its all there.You cant miss it.
  8. So does everyone in the motherfucking goddamn game.
  9. drbigtoe

    KIA Now recruiting Day Z Clan!

    Skype (With mic) : Yes. Are You 16+ : Yes How long have you played Day-Z : About three months. Are you more of a Hero Or Bandit : I'm neutral. I save who I need to save and kill who needs to be killed. But killing for fun is an occasional hobby. Do you like to Scavenge or kill : Scavenge until I get what I need to kill Why should we let you join : I am very experienced, I have full gear as well as the best guns, I an loyal and do whatever I am told without question.
  10. drbigtoe

    Skalisty Island Bases

    us 191
  11. drbigtoe

    Chernarus Marathon!

    Time to polish off the bear traps and hand grenades.
  12. Do you have satchel charges? I don't have much, but satchel charges would be extremely helpful on my server. I have a bandit problem. The admin is part of the group and they stockpile vehicles, and horde weapons for their team only. I recently stumbled upon their camp and took some important stuff. All the stuff I need to survive. EXCEPT for anything to possibly destroy their campsite and vehicles. One satchel charge would do it. I am not a bandit. I do not kill for no reason. But this group needs to be ended. They need to know what its like to have everything and just lose it in a second. Also, I could become a body guard. I am very good with snipers/assault rifles/ and pistols. I don't kill unless I need to. I am not Australian but I do not sleep, so I can work at any time, and expect nothing in return. Thank you for helping out the days community, and supplying us with weapons to take out the bandits that make our dayz experience hell. PM me sometime. I'm dedicated, and would love to help you. -Ashton
  13. Who the fuck uses XP to game?!
  14. drbigtoe

    Picnic at Prud Lake!

    Omfg this is amazing! ahah we'll deffinately play some ATV pinata, and we'll try to get some gear for some other events. You sir are a genius!
  15. drbigtoe

    Picnic at Prud Lake!

    We have so many sniper guards of our own, its nothing to worry about. Bandits won't even get a shot off before they are killed(: