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About barncat28

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. barncat28

    CD Key Help

    I have been playing with this CD key since September and for some reason i cannot use it anymore. The error i get is "CD KEY IN USE" I want to know who i talk to to get this fixed. please help.
  2. barncat28


    Any questions can be answered at our forum here:http: www.nerdcore-gaming.com/community/
  3. barncat28


    First you register on our forums and then you post your application on the apps section. Join into our Teamspeak and then poke an admin. Prefferably me CAT and I will start the interview.
  4. Nerdcore Gaming [NCG] - Day Z registration form. Nerdcore is now recruiting. We are a Bandit clan and will use anything against survivors to ensure our survival. This includes using the knowledge of survival against them, and attempting to make them believe we are NOT bandits. Being a bandit is not killing everyone you see on-sight, it is about stealing whatever you can, any way you can. This however does not mean that we do not shoot on sight. Requirements - Be mature Have Teamspeak 3 and the ability to use it Don't expect super seriousness/We mess around a lot Play to have fun, not to win When you first join you will be allowed limited access to our camps that we have setup, until you prove that you are trustworthy enough to know of our veteran camps and vehicles. You will be allowed to enter our vehicles, but not drive them unless a veteran allows you to do so. This is based on trust, if a veteran believes 100% he can trust you then you will have a chance to go to our veteran camps. Recruits and Veterans will all have the ability to join us in raids, we have no problem picking up new players or recruits to show them the ropes, don't expect us to repeat everything multiple times however. We raid constantly, and we always have members on our server. Look forward to seeing you there! By posting an application you agree to our rules: #1: Do not hack/script EVER. #2: Do not take out vehicles if you can not drive or bring them back. Otherwise ask before taking. #3: No killing clan members, if you do you will be marked KOS. We're a clan, don't act like an enemy no matter what stupid gay little reason you may have. #4: No shooting or otherwise blowing up vehicles. No exceptions you fucking asshole. #5: Please do not make giant camps. #6:Vehicles ownership are at the leaders digression, do not act like they are yours they aren't. #7 : Act like a family, we're not here to be dicks to each other. #8: If you're bored then go to a populated server and STFU. #9: Try to use common sense. #10: MUST BE OVER THE AGE OF 16 AND TO BE MATURE. APPLY HERE: http://www.nerdcore-....com/community/
  5. barncat28

    Zombies are pump ...

    AGREE! I want to see those Camps in the forests REQUIRE DEFENSES! Not just be in the middle of nowhere hidden. In fact make the horde spawn every hour and search for the nearest camp with 3 or more tents in proximity (as long as players are present) and let them be able to trample the tents.
  6. I am Barncat28 (name to left says it) But im being formal. My small squad of 3 are North Americans all above 18. We perefer structure of a well organized group. We are not bandits but proud survivors trying to survive in this world. If you want our extra man power and our loyalty please feel free to PM me or even beter Steam me due to me being online most of the time. If you run across any of the Dead Silence Squad thats us.