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About dabatman1971

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    On the Coast
  1. Do what you will with this information, however .dll's work differently than you are assuming they work. And .dll's are in the main arma directory structure and can be created and used with no security checks able to be accomplished while the call extension pipeline is open. (last post on this topic..warning given with humility)
  2. True, however DayZ mod may not use .dll's however the game itself does. Client does not need to download the .dll for someone to run a .dll that will execute any extensions that said .dll wants it to. Only the beta patches up till this point had the call extension go live..Now it is in the Official patch..hence the concern. This gives any hackers (which are already sorry individuals that like to ruin the arma game experience) a super tool to create severe havoc to not only the game itself but to hose servers and clients that are unaware..
  3. Why is it so hard to get a decent technical response from the devs? The fact that the call extension went live to everyone with the update should scare the crap out of anyone. The ability to write a.dll file that is inserted in any mod and enable it to place bots or what have you on the server or anyone who connects to the infected server is a matter that should and needs to be taken more seriously than it appears to be. The other issue at hand is the inability of the call extension to work correctly in a linux environment is another problem that will have the community as a whole using different patches and unable to play with each other. Just got to say wow to the devs for not taking this way more seriously. Guess its gonna take someone actually writing a .dll and inserting it to make devs understand how powerful this security breach (open door or key ) is.