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Posts posted by jarrodchambo

  1. the =R.A.S= are looking for new members to play week day evenings and weekends we prefer Australian players and play a mix of dayz and wasteland.. you must be a team player.. we will interview every one who wants to give it a shot, we are serious gamers but also know how to have fun you must have Skype and prefereably teamspeak although it isn't essential.. reply to this post or private message to arrange an interview.. the interview will be via Skype.

  2. Are you using the on-board HD2000 graphics? Almost anything is better than that. If the GTX 560 TI is too pricy then consider a GTX 550 TI. You do not need a GTX 670 to play this game. That's already overkill. The 550 runs about $119-$139. If that's still too much then perhaps a 6670 will do. Make sure whatever card you get that it's running DDR5 memory for better memory bandwidth over older types. If you can spend $300 or save up for it then the GTX 660 TI is awesome. Nearly identical to the GTX 670 except it's on a 192 bit memory interface and some other minor things.

    Also when you do upgrade your video card make sure your power supply has sufficient power to run the card. Make sure you have enough amps on a 12v rail and enough wattage. Headroom is always good. You could pick up an Antec 650 Earthwatts for about $69, which would run any single card just fine.

    im not sure what is in it at the moment, il have to take it apart later, yea 550 is in my price range thankyou, il post what i currently have to see if it is worth upgrading aswell thanks every body for the troll free responses you all have my beans..

  3. hey every one im sure this has been asked before but as i cant find the topics im going to start a new one. i want to know what graphic card i can get that will smoothen the game out, as i have bad fps, generally 8 fps when running. im noit sure what my current graphic card is tho.

    Processor: i have a dell intel core i3 2120 CPU @3.30 Ghz

    Ram: 4gb

    system: 64 bit

  4. hey i was on dayz lastnight with a couple of friends and we got into a hacked server there was flames all over our screens and then two hackers started talking to my friend and somehow changed everything in his pack gave him a as50 and gillie suit and all other junk then they teleported me to them and gave me all the same stuff and spawned a chopper after flying around and shooting people and things they crashed the chopper killed us all then left the lobby im wondering if we are likly to get banned for this? cause i later fooound out its against the rules to comunicate with a hacker. thanks a reply would be nice

    your safe, in future it might be best to stay away though...
