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Everything posted by jarrodchambo

  1. jarrodchambo

    So I'll just put this here... Day-D

    this is some wierd shit but i would think i would play it, as a different mod alltogether tho :)
  2. jarrodchambo

    Fishing. food/supplies.

    i think a little fishing is great but not to too much extent like drugs and stuff lol, just fish or more bait :P
  3. jarrodchambo

    Sev info Blank Cant connect

    thanks glad to help :) now just got to sort out my problem :(
  4. jarrodchambo

    "No message received for x seconds"

    well its been 6 days now and havnt got anything back from the team, starting to wonder if i should go back to xbox and not buy the standalone game when it comes out :(
  5. jarrodchambo

    Joining club "Stuck @ Loading screen".

    freezes at loading screen for me to, when i do get in i get 1 minute of gameplay then it says no message received for X seconds
  6. jarrodchambo

    Help with connection issues

    same thing happens to me, hang in there im sure some one will help us
  7. jarrodchambo

    Please help - details included!

    yes same happens to me ive asked heaps of times but never get anywhere :(
  8. jarrodchambo

    no message received

    no after four hours i have given up and done some thing else! im not really savvy with technical talk what is a mirror? or was that an insult? thanks
  9. jarrodchambo

    Sev info Blank Cant connect

    ok it looks like your version is outdated, firstly try refreshing if nothing happens, i suggest using dayzcommander, google it and download, open it, then click versions then you will see the version of dayz and 2 others check to make sure all of them are uptodate it will say so right next to them.. if it works all i ask for is beans lol
  10. jarrodchambo

    Day Z problems |Hacker|Message not recieved|

    for me what happened was i changed my guys name, ever since that when i try and join the server freezes at loading or will get a little further almost to the point of spawning then it says no message received for 10 seconds.. this been going on for a week and im getting sick of it... considering giving this game a miss really...
  11. jarrodchambo

    Spawn Questions

    no worries mate did it work? yay beens nom nom
  12. bombard the dayzteam with tickets guys, 1 from each person here will make sure that every one is heard to my knowledge the team doesnt check threads like this.. beans for me ?
  13. jarrodchambo

    Connecting Failed

    has the dayz team ever replied to any one here? i have sent them a message regarding this about a week ago and still no reply.. if they do reply il post it up asap
  14. jarrodchambo

    Spawn Questions

    if u change servers to a private hive then your save isnt present if u log back on the first server it should still have your stuff. as for the second topic im not too sure. dont forget them beans mmm lol
  15. jarrodchambo

    US114 Kansas - Ban Appeal

    boyycott the server!! no one play on it... ps give me some beans :P
  16. jarrodchambo

    Looking for a clan

    looking for a clan of survivers/bandits doesnt matter i just get lonely and dead wandering out on my lonsome, must be aussie based as my computer cant handle high pings over 120 ms im dayzstreet smart but have little knowledge of the map, and the best thing i have found is a map lol would love to tag along with a group for safety
  17. jarrodchambo

    Looking for a clan

    i will do that thankyou :)
  18. jarrodchambo

    Ambush potential?

    lol i dont bother wth tents i have not once come across anything good
  19. jarrodchambo

    LFClan - I have server

    well where is your clan based?
  20. jarrodchambo

    Looking to start up a small base.

    aussie servers?
  21. has there been any breakthroughs yet guys?
  22. jarrodchambo

    "No message received for x seconds"

    yes i get the same thing i have already sent a email to the dev team, i suggest you guys do it aswell as it will pressure them to get on it straight away, i will post my reply for you when i get it tho, albeit might be in a few days as im heading east for a funeral and wont be back for 4 days
  23. jarrodchambo

    Problem Launching DAYZ

    have you ran both arma 2 and OA? u need to run them before you can launch dayz for the first time
  24. jarrodchambo

    Keep losing connection

    can any one help with this problem i aint played the game in that long it is killing me lol
  25. jarrodchambo

    Keep losing connection

    ive come across the same thing but as soon as i get in game it loses connection