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DAV (DayZ)

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About DAV (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DAV (DayZ)

    NZ 19

    Just found my first ever AS-50 and L85a2 AWS at a heli crash site. Decided to put them into my tent, saved it over 10 times and what do you know... After the server restarts my tent has reverted back to atleast 5 days before and they're gone. Slightly makes me want to give up on this game.. What's up with these server restarts? Are they meant to make items in tents revert backwards....?
  2. What do you guys think?
  3. DAV (DayZ)

    US 303 Dallas Hacker

    This doesn't actually work..... I have tried MANY times to Print Screen and paste onto paint but all I get when I paste is black.
  4. DAV (DayZ)

    Vehicles despawning

    Hey guys, thanks for all the information regarding bugs and server restarts etc. The server I left the vehicle on restarts every 6 hours therefore has restarted around 3 times since I left it there 2:00pm (UTC+4). I think that I left the vehicle too far off the map and so it has been despawned by the "hive". I just wish they would give better signs to tell the player "THE MAP ENDS HERE, DON'T LEAVE VEHICLES PAST THIS POINT". I have seen from other posts that people say you will know when the map ends because the terrain stops, but by looking at an online map such as http://dayzhq.com/map/ the map ends long before you get to open plains without any terrain at all on them. Thanks for all the info and help, at this point I might aswell cut my losses. It looks like i'm off to find a new off-roader :(
  5. Hi forum, I was just wondering, do server admins despawn vehicles that are parked out of bounds themselves or does the server detect that a vehicle is out of bounds and automatically despawn it after a period of 6 hours? This is because me and my friend parked an offroader (white) near the edge of the map, there were still trees, shrub etc near and when we logged on the next day it was gone. I would just like to know if maybe the server admin despawned it. Thanks.