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About Lupo

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    On the Coast
  1. Lupo

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    Throwing my two cents into the pile as well, chose female then spawned in debug forest. I then reconnected to a new server and spawned with the male skin....
  2. Lupo

    New clothing.

    Doens't look half bad, so has there been any word on how these work with a female skin?
  3. Lupo

    Found a use for tincans/whisky bottles

    lol if you could at the least you whiskey bottles to hold water, I have to admit that would be pretty cool.
  4. Well YOU might find attachment in making decisions that you can change on a whim' date=' but a decision that I can't change is something that will always be more important to me then something I can go, "Well I can just change it later if I dont' like it." As for the prejudice thing. So wanting a player to play as the gender they associate with is prejudiced? If you honestly believe that please see my previous statement about you and your insistence on bringing it up. [/quote'] Are you honestly telling me that the choice you just had to make about whether or not to play a male or female character will make the game mean more to you for the rest of time? That you didn't just go "welp, I'm male" and settle to continuing to play a succession of male characters the same way you were already doing? For the overwhelming majority of people that decision was a meaningless no-brainer. For a small group of people the decision actually detracts from the experience instead of making it more meaningful, for the reasons I described above; and it's not like I am suggesting that a character should be able to change gender on the fly, like you can do with faces. You'd still have to DIE. That's not "on a whim". If you've spent a while with that character and grown attached to them, isn't feeling like playing a character of a different gender but knowing you'll lose your progress and your stuff more of this bullshit "anti-game hard choice" than not caring because you know you can never change it anyway? Look at it this way - the single decision will, for most people, be a meaningless no-brainer once, for a handful (which apparently you are part of) be a legitimately engaging hard choice once, and for the rest be a hard choice that just makes them care less for the rest of the game. The other option, choosing the gender of each character when they are created, is again meaningless to most, another useless flippy thing for your handful and for the rest something which will make them care more about each character. The hard choices should be in the playing of the game, not the setting it up; they should not be arbitrary but emergent. I can understand your argument but I feel it is wrong and the decision as it stands only detracts from the stated goal of the game, not reinforces it. I explained why there's prejudice in it. You can keep ignoring that explanation if you want but it doesn't change the fact that it's there or that there certainly have been many prejudiced things said people in this thread; do you want me to just say sexism, instead? Transphobia? Misogyny? Is your problem specifically with the word, "prejudice", which has some alternative meaning to you where it does not encompass those things? Getting all antsy about men pretending to be women is prejudice, and it needs to be challenged. I am not trying to shock you but make people think, myself. Not trying to be a dick but it really does seem like you want someone from the Dev team to respond to this idea so...I put a link here that'll take you to the suggestion thread. I mean your arguing pretty strongly for this topic you might as well do it where it may be heard :D Here you go http://dayzmod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=7
  5. Lupo

    Introduce yourselves

    In game name is Lupo I tend to play on whatever server has the best ping and what I'm in the mood for i.e day/night. I've been playing for little over a week and I've quickly adapted and learned the dangers of the game and how to survive. I played a bit of Arma 2 prior to the Dayz mod but I'm in no means a hardcore veteran player. Despite that I'm fairly versed in military tactics and common sense lol. At the moment my character has been alive for the past five days and I've killed two bandits and one survivor who all decided it would be fun to fire on me or some of my teammates. The scariest moment I've had so far was where a group of my teammates had traversed to the NW airfield and while scavenging for supplies came under heavy barret fire. This resulted in two immediate deaths and a third as the rest of the team attempted to pinpoint the sniper fire. Luckily for them I had spawned into the game and had been making my way to the airfield when the ambush began. With cooperation and accurate information as to where the shooter was suspected to be I was able to flank the sniper and eliminate him as he tried to climb up one of the radio towers on the edge of the woods. As it turned out he had been accompanied by two others who were at the base of the tower and upon his death the two surviving attackers returned fire on my position but were subsequently picked off by my comrades combined fire from across the airfield. All this occurring right after the sun had gone down! So far I've really enjoyed the game and am quite happy with the recent updates. If your interested in forming a group that'll play consistently feel free to pm me.
  6. Lupo

    Looking for an RP group

    Hahaha guys you kinda hijacked his thread and also I think the thing he is looking for the most is "RP aka Role Playing" which if your interested in Mortek just send me a PM.
  7. I completely agree with Hard on this his style of play and how to approach other survivors. Ever since I've made it north after my noobier escapades when first starting out I now typically go days without dieing or even seeing other survivors. Though now I've grown accustom to playing with a group which in itself has its own merits and peculiarities and warrants a completely different style of play.
  8. I actually play survivor and only kill when I need to and I'm all for the removal of bandit skins.
  9. I like the idea of this change, it will allow for more investment into your character and force you to think a lot more on whether or not you can trust other people. Honestly the idea of being able to make such a drastic decision to trust someone simply due to the clothing they are wearing is boring and like many have said takes a lot of the tension out of the game. I personally before making contact with someone will stalk them and watch how they play and what they do. I really only do this to determine if they worth grouping up with because if they get caught by a group of zombies easily they most likely aren't someone I would care to work with and if by chance they encounter another survivor I can make a better decision as to whether or not they are trust worthy. In the end adding this new system to replace humanity will only add more depth to the game and increase its realism factor which is why so many of us have come to play. The game isn't solely about massing a huge amount of resources with your survivor buddies. (who you seemingly just met and instantly trusted due to their skin) This isn't farmville or some other facebook game where all you do is add a hundred friends so they can help you make your farm bigger and better. The game is about survival and in a true and realistic situation you wouldn't likely trust other people unless you knew them or perhaps they did something to earn your trust in the mere moments you met them ex. saving your life from a horde of zombies, giving you some anti-biotics etc. Now as for the carebears crying that everyone will become a CoD player and shoot everyone on site well guess what, all the CoD players already do that and most of them don't even make it off the coast. That alone should show you how successful they've been at the game. Eventually most CoD players will move on and grow bored with this mod but for the time being just bear with it. Also for all the carebears saying "This isn't REAL LIFE HERP DERP" Why are you playing this game then, the whole point of this mod is for its realism factor. If you want to play a only PVE game then go play Left 4 Dead.