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About dwarka

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  1. Get rid of it , sure i have a toolbox and can get rid of it , but its just plain annoying when server hoppers place it in the airstrips and leave , forcing us to get screwed over. But sandbags are super helpful though. Also keep it only if it breaks zombie legs , not just them walking thru it as if it was not there. Else its just a player hindrance/trollling mechanism. . . .
  2. dwarka

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    I played when u spawned with the revolver , and the first gun i found was a winchester by gorka. i remember that well. I was debating over side chat wether to get the lee enfield , but players told me its nickname . haha loved the gun . . but now i prefer the akm and the ak 74 .
  3. Arma 2 has an insane CPU requirement. It uses it a lot in the computations. You are better off with a desktop. but if u really want a laptop , checkout deals2buy.com. they have a kickass deal on some laptops going on with 2gb nvidia 660m cards and i7 processors . 999$ i think . . dont expect ultra high settings tho
  4. ahh , since its a laptop it will be expensive and the mx14 doesnt deliver as you would expect it too. also price is insane . If it were a desktop you can assemble a powerhouse for 12o0$ . sigh
  5. dwarka

    Utes , Zagrabad ,Pogadorsk etc

    That is nice idea too . yeah you are right , this wont happen before standalone . but cant wait for that too. its releasing this year i believe ?? p.s: Sorry about late reply lol. Your notification got swamped by the other forum posts i made . lol esp in the update forum
  6. dwarka

    AKS 74 Kobra

    true story . i cant wait to get my hands on that . range be damned , i engage in 200m range max anyway . i was raiding nwaf barracks on my usual 3 server . and the best i could do was the m4a1 holo. oh well make hay while i have a kickass gun i guess
  7. dwarka

    AKS 74 Kobra

    well i have a bizon sd with 4 mags and an m4a1 holo . well bizon is awesome for headhsots . its for experienced players , if a lame brain is running st you , then duck into a building and take it out. else hide and predict its path then shoot for the head . i do that and get wonderful results
  8. dwarka

    AKS 74 Kobra

    Ak 74 Kobra, has one of the best sights in the game , its clear and the gun itself has relatively low recoil. YOu can unload 3 rounds before the aim shifts. AK rounds are fairly common, check firestations and deer stands. Its audible range is around 80m for zombies , so if u shoot something , you wont sound the dinner bell. AKM is wayy more powerful but comes at a price, with an audible range of 145m and no sights , its a little tricky , but i prefer AKM over AK 74. About the mags conversion , i believe it has been explained to you already . Right click on the ammo u wanna convert when its in your INVENTORY. You should be able to switch between them. also this should help http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Convert_Magazines
  9. Hey Rocket , In the rare chance that you get to read this ( its lesser than the nvg spawn rates , i know) , i was wondering if the other maps available in arma 2 would be implemented into Dayz. Chernarus is brilliant and the topography is varied . But as a player i can get attached and a little bit greedy hehehe. Pardon me if this is unexpected. So guys of dayz forum , any thoughts ?
  10. dwarka

    Trading for SVD Camo and M4A1 CCO SD

    lol u r lucky. personally i have no interest in snipers , i have my pew pew 19 sd ( bizon ) but for the clan we need all we can get. We did find a couple of m107 tho. waiting for the as50. Every chopper gives us buttload of fn fals and the barracks give us m4a1 holo or m4a3 cco
  11. dwarka

    Trading for SVD Camo and M4A1 CCO SD

    Now you kill yourself . Agreed M4a1 cco sd is super rare , but AS 50 is rarer. And yes SVD is indeed one of the rarest spawns with chances in NWAF barracks only . Or heli crash sites. I can get a bizon sd more easily than that fucking SVD . We have tried
  12. dwarka

    Pending Update: Build

    No , dayz is a survival simulator. I find the thrill of sneaking past zeds and findin my first gun after a respawn gratifying , but sometimes annoying. Food maybe , water maybe. But guns no and bikes , defenitely no. We wash up on the shoe ( like in inception lol). then dayz will lose its hardcore charm.
  13. is this the sag server ?
  14. when for no reason u decide to run around to the market and clean out all the supplies before the other guy