IRL Information Name: Adriano Age: 30 Location: Costa Rica Time zone: -6 Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: The only down side is my night shift working schedule but I am available during the morning several days per week Game Information IGN: Pestifer Steam ID (if applicable): Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Looter and finder, medic or any role that we may need Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): Did you ever felt like alone and desperate every time you see some one? Well that is my feeling every single time playing DayZ. I simply can’t understand it, it’s a freaking zombie apocalypse and everyone is running around and shooting every one, like crazy, to steal you something that can be simply looted, if we could play as a team. Yesterday I was killed, and I lost all my gear and I re-spawned nearby Elektro, well a 10 years old boy sow me and chased me with an ax screaming behind me to surrender and die!!! I never stop running towards zombies so he had to back off. Still I died because someone decided to shoot me. I did not have any weapons or good on me =( Maybe I take the game too serious, but this one was too much. I have now several friends that joined me to avoid bandits and loot around but we can’t avoid the hackers. Since July 1st a powerful hack was developed and now the game is unplayable. I would like to have a sanctuary to play in coop without been chased by a teleporter or a player disguised as a zombie or even worst a God mode douche bag with infinite ammo or even more sadly a 10 years old boy with an ax. Don’t get me wrong I do not care if a group of bandits kill me, it is part of the game but I would like them not to be in every corner knowing my location at all times. I hope I can join you, in order to have a more balanced experience of the game What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I am a fast learner I have a working mic. Can speak several languages Fan of zombie apocalypse training... I mean games (never know what tomorrow will bring us) ;)