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Everything posted by mac

  1. mac

    TIPS for logging in and playing

    Yup just keep trying other servers until you get one right in the meantime
  2. mac

    ALT F4 Data.

    Zombies are dumb just run indoors, under an archway, around a tree, behind a wall, the opportunity is endless. You D/C you are WEAK
  3. mac

    The Day Z hidden agenda

    If you think putting some lead into someone for real is the same as shooting somepixel in a game you are an IDIOT
  4. I usually mess around on other threads saying stuff like "Dont go there its scary" and whatnot but I've actually never seen anything messed up over there. I thought everyone was just messing with the new guys for fun
  5. mac

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    The bandit skin was good because it let you know what type of person you were looking at (the downside being that if 2 survivors engage in conflict then one of them will be labeled a bandit forever after). In real life a group of bandits will behave differently, they will have a specific attitude about them, but in this game you cant tell how people are behaving, you cant see their facial expressions. Thats why we need some sort of way of telling what type of person we are looking at. I would like to see some survivor groups occupying and enforcing "laws" in an area of the map. In real life survivors would form communities and would defend those areas from bandits. This would make things more interesting. The great thing about this game is that it doesn't force you into any specific play style. The game doesnt designate a safe area because in real life it would be up to people to create a safe area. I just imagine that in this world of DayZ everything has gone to shit and people are killing everyone they see (which is what's happening). OK fine thats the situation we have been handed but it doesnt mean it has to be that way forever. And we dont have to wait for some gameplay mechanics to change it for us. The mod allows us to do it ourselves and I'm pretty sure this would improve gameplay for survivors and bandits because now the bandits are'nt just killing helpless survivors. Bandits would have to watch a roadway for travellers or something. it would make things more challenging.
  6. Is it just me or does anyone else have trouble finding anything except empty cans and some ammo at NWAF? Does loot spawn vary from the more populated servers to the less populated ones? And does loot only respawn after a server restart?
  7. mac

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    I used to never kill people unless they actively engage me but after a while it's gotten me killed way too many times. Now I try to avoid others but if we cross paths then I dont take chances. Hopefully in the future some things are implemented to allow for more incentive to not just kill everyone you see.
  8. mac

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    All pussies D/C in a firefight and its pissing me off. Why play a game if youre just gonna cheat your way out of it. ITS A GAME. Sometimes you die sometimes you live, but wheres the fun in being shot at, running around a corner and disconnecting
  9. mac

    Gun nerf is bullcrap

    Headshots are a luxury and in real life you aim for center mass for maximum chance of hitting your target (even at close range). Also, at close range unloading a clip into someones chest should be more than sufficient to put them down
  10. The sooner a D/C timer is implemented the better I cant count the number of times I've shot someone (mostly after they initiate the firefight) and they D/C. It's just not fun anymore
  11. Are people getting so lazy as to where holding down a button with your finger is too much work?
  12. mac

    Lee Enfield (Dinner Bell)

    I get 1 shot kills with the Enfield not even headshots
  13. Zombies will chase you forever you must kill them or trick them by moving up hill or through brush and other obstacles
  14. mac

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    I went...once