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USED to be Dafaq

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About USED to be Dafaq

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. USED to be Dafaq


    Nothing there are just sad little men there.
  2. /sigh another thread about adminge's :"( makes me sad that these fools think they can get away with it.
  3. USED to be Dafaq

    DK3 admin abuse

    you CANNOT ban someone for using a "hacked" vehicle that they stole form someone else. anyway why the fuck did you have it then? should you not ban yourself for breaking a rule that you banned someone else for?
  4. USED to be Dafaq

    US 1: Biscuit.Gaming Admin Abuse

    lol him again. apparently he owns many many servers. tbh i think rocket works for HIM
  5. USED to be Dafaq

    US 1: Biscuit.Gaming Admin Abuse

    so you are saying admins are above hacking?
  6. USED to be Dafaq

    US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

    yup gj :)
  7. USED to be Dafaq

    Admin kicking/ banning everyone but 5 people us 175

    yes so you can get all the gear and dupe without worry. ya we are not that stupid. lock the server if you want to "test" as a past Cod, CS, DoD, and Tf2 server owner i call BS.
  8. USED to be Dafaq


    trolololol i call bullshit
  9. USED to be Dafaq


    Trollolol it was blown up a second time. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/xif3r/found_admin_camp_kickbanned_us_292_coords_inside/
  10. USED to be Dafaq


    first off admins cannot slay players it was a hacker trying to BS and pretend to be an admin. second please do NOT try to hijack threads instead create your own thread.
  11. USED to be Dafaq


    haha i do not think anyone is THAT stupid but he might be
  12. USED to be Dafaq

    Banned from US 292 because i got to close to the admin camp

    because the main reason is i do not want to have a ban. that and it brings to light an abusive admin / server owner ( from his own words ) that needs to told that he cannot act like this.
  13. wow still no reply from those assholes. well since we are on a witch hunt i suggest this guy next seeing as how i was banned for getting to close to his tent. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55519-banned-from-us-292-because-i-got-to-close-to-the-admin-camp/
  14. i am not 100% sure if i am able to be un-banned here but i am trying anyway. after this post http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/xif3r/found_admin_camp_kickbanned_us_292_coords_inside/ i decided to see if i could find the camp. everyone was getting kicked an when i got close i got banned. as proof that this admin went like the Simple jack from Tropic thunder and went full retard on his reasons for banning people. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/51691-us-292-admin-abuse/ he did not state why he banned me BUT from this Imgur link and looking at the GPS i can see i was about a 20 second run away from the location. i believe i was unjustly banned. on the second link there is even proof in the thread with many videos and photos of the guy kicking and banning for no reason other then he is a childish person; just go ahead and read one of his reasons for banning someone. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  15. USED to be Dafaq


    nice job on the blowup