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Everything posted by starfoxik@gmail.com

  1. starfoxik@gmail.com

    Best Hacker of All Time... Scariest Moment Ever.

    I think that they should hire some of those hackers, because with some "creepy horror" actions like in those vids they can bring new experience to this game. Simply that was awesome moments, like the last video with "ghillie creeper" - just AMAZING! Green Mountain is waiting :D
  2. starfoxik@gmail.com

    Server keeps getting hacked

    I played on some US server and this also happend to me, someone transported all ppl to that place on the movie, so I fast disconnected. After joining again I was in Airfield... Good noone was there to shoot me, so I manage to hide fast. Please fix it, if you know how they are doing this.
  3. At last game is now harder, we can again fear zombies, not like before, just one shooted them :P Now zombies became again problem, and pvp also will be more challenging than just winning, when you shooting first ;P You wanna kill fast players? Then aim for headshoots! Skilled players should like this new patch :)