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Posts posted by Kalastaja

  1. There does need to be a down side to being a bandit' date=' otherwise the game will just descend in to a deathmatch on a very big map.[/quote']

    Says you. I don't shoot everybody I see, regardless of their skin. It sounds like it's your type that is the problem. (Sounds pretty insulting, when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it?)

    TK "I fight for the User!" J

    you are right there should not be a down side but really something needs to be done to control all these random survivor bandits i was walking at airfield the other day i see a survivor he says hes friend we go loot a hangar and then i see food there i walk there and he shoots me then he says i needed the food (my friend came in and killed him tho) he didnt even take anything else just one can of food that he could have just asked for

  2. i've actually seen quite a few zombies clip through doors/building walls.

    Zombies zig-zagging needs to be tweaked a little' date=' their turns are soooooo sharp, aiming at a zombie while in town with 30fps sometimes lower not the easiest thing (don't say upgrade PC k thnx, its not my PC)

    I wouldn't care if their speed was kept the same, just smooth out their movements and make them give up after a certain amount of time chasing.


    yes clip but not teleport two totaly different things just saying i have seen cliping but no teleporting

  3. It is a video game.

    It isn't as much the number of zombies that upsets me' date=' its the consequences:

    1. They cannot be evaded

    2. They will never stop chasing you unless you kill them

    3. They run fast and zig zag

    4. They respawn before you can clear them all

    5. They teleport into buildings


    Really you got it all wrong now that bandits arent messing my stuff up :D i love the zombies so easy to evade i feel like Glenn from walking dead when i solo loot citys and towns for supplys my friends can have when ever i see them because my group plays all solo we have only one camp in secret grid and all go solo loot those who come back every time share supplys so you list is clearly wrong you can EASILY evade zombies and sometimes even kill them all (prime example of that is devils castle or small towns in north) + i would like to know when have they teleported inside buildings?? :huh:

    sidenote: rocket more zombies pls :P because its already so fun but i want even more so sneaking is harder because its still too easy
