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Everything posted by Aspects

  1. Hey guys, this is a short clip of me, freshly spawned in Fallujah, taking my first looks around the place. I'm pretty new to video making so I'd appreciate any criticism and would really appreciate you taking your time to view this clip :) but other than that, just enjoy :D
  2. Aspects

    They all fall down..

    Basically, this happened. Creepy creepy stuff
  3. Thank you very much for your input, its greatly appreciated :D and yeah, only buildings that have loot spawn zombies :P
  4. Yeah I agree with the tajistan map, but Fallujah isn't too bad so far. I guess I haven't given it much time yet, but we'll see :)
  5. Aspects

    DayZ Lingor Loot Map

    WHY IS MAP OFF? :(
  6. I am sick to death, with the constant BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ that flies give out. It's not the dead player thing, its the bloody flies that keep wizzing past my ear. As I result of all these flies, my head hurts, I hate the sound of them wizzing past me ALL the time. My friend says its not as frequent for him, but its horribly frequent for me! SO good people, I ask if there is a way to get rid of this nuisance? or reduce or anything!
  7. Aspects


    I wish I knew the file, I cant find it anywhere :S it wont let me listen to the files because they are pbo files and bjec or something, not mp3. idk how to listen to them really lol
  8. Aspects


    Thanks for your help, if you could direct me on how to do this I would really really appreciate this. I'm not near dead players, its that whizzing sound that they make when you run past them, its so annoying it happens every 10 seconds, and I have stopped playing the game because of it.
  9. Aspects


    Legend Sylex, if this works you can have my BEANZ Btw do you know where that file is?
  10. Aspects


    Could I turn the sound off? this is killing me honestly
  11. Aspects


    What is this voodoo?
  12. Hey, I'm willing to trade an NVG, Ghillie suit and a Bizon SD with 5 clips for a M4A1 camo SD. Post here please. +No its not a trap, I've got 0 murders since I started playing DayZ (3 weeks ago)
  13. Glad to have you in the team bro :) thanks for the kind message :P
  14. Bump we can use the trading company to do it too.
  15. BUMP STILL ON For trade
  16. Other offers will still be read, so don't be afraid to post if you're interested.
  17. I could give you 4 Ghillies, me and my friends all have one. Pm if you're interested
  18. Aspects

    Playing solo is problematic

    I think people just shoot out of being scared. It's shoot or be shot in DayZ I'm afraid.
  19. Aspects

    Dear Anthony

    What is wrong with some people.. DAYUM