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About msy

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. msy

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    whats the diffrence between 0.58 and 0.59? one more buggy zombies and many more clothes?
  2. msy

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I just want to say maybe we won't see zombies in DAYZ at this Halloween. What a wonderful day.
  3. msy

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I mean substancial news, of course if they will tell us something that must be new hats, new coats and new misc.
  4. msy

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I bet there will be no substancial news about 0.59 this week.
  5. msy

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    what's up with the updating schedule? does dayz means delete zombies? come on it is many months past, when can you reach beta version? when hl3 comes?
  6. msy

    Status Report - 15 Sept 15

    please tell me when let zombies return to the game and be common?
  7. msy

    Status Report - 18 Aug 2015

    will dayz catch up with directx 13?
  8. msy

    Exp Update: 0.53.126348

    I can always hear sound of eating and drinking and reloading or something aroud me, when to solve the old bug? OR YOU DEV CLAIM THIS AS ACOUSMA?
  9. Why you'd like to fix silencer first before resolving super hacker problem? They can kill anyone among 4 km2.
  10. msy

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    When i connected the nextday, my backpack was disappeared, my pans was empted, and my millitary boots are disappeared too, then i suddenly kept fisting, i couldnt handle myself. I was afraid i have suffer from hackers, then disconnected. Is that thing done by hacker?
  11. They said the exp. branch has gone backward to an older one to let player feel the rubber banding bug is fixed. So... does that mean today we won't have update for stable version?
  12. So... where is the bug fix?
  13. msy

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    the new wednesday again! If today the dev can kindly fix the drinking bug?
  14. msy

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    There is one: soda/kvass can't help stop thirst. And the dev never give a hotfix fot it.
  15. msy

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    another week has gone. Have you heard that? An artist has a job of art, and a programmer has a job of program, and a designer has a job of disign. But although there is a big problem about net, about pathfinding, WHY the dev who should deal with the problems above will also charge the job to fix the bug of binoculars, the bug of drinking, and the bug of spliting ammo? How can I believe the drinking bug is as difficult as net framework so that it may take you dev weeks to get it fixed?