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Everything posted by poisonman

  1. poisonman

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    The whole DayZ concept with Dinosaurs instead of Zombies sounds like it would be pretty fantastic, I would try that!
  2. poisonman

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    The patch notes may not be as clear or as detailed / descriptive as we would like sometimes, but both of those changes your talking about were in the notes. http://dayzmod.com/f...od-1751-update/ * [NEW] - New zed & loot spawn systems rewrote Phase 1. * [uPDATED] - Backpacks updated. * [uPDATED] - Limted amount of ammo found with weapons. * [uPDATED] - Changed Loot tables to increase the supply of Antibiotic drops. *shrug* it is all in good fun though, so don't be mad :-P <3
  3. poisonman

    DayZ Mod Update

    I was able to catch, kill, gut, cook, and eat a delicious, delicious rabbit last night, so yea...
  4. poisonman

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Rocket, I didn't see it in the video, but under video options we streamers would Really Really Really love a Borderless Full Screen Windowed Mode option available so we don't have to us silly 3rd party programs / workarounds / and gimmicks to accomplish it! Video was awesome, keep up the good work <3
  5. poisonman

    DayZ Mod Update

    So it seems like everyone is going to be sick all the time, is the spawn rate on antibiotics going to get any better? :-P
  6. Player Name - PoIsOnMaN GUID - d8a50eb2a38d97ced260fd70c18d9002 Location - East Coast (RI) USA Reason - I like hack free servers, I stream, stuff like that
  7. poisonman

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    They look really nice but I feel like there needs to be more distinction between completely empty and the one directly to the left of it, for the food and water at least, the blood and temp ones are distinct enough though. Good Show!
  8. poisonman

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Your google skills are pretty weak friend End of the World is 12 / 21 /12 http://en.wikipedia....2012_phenomenon Edit: oh you tricked me with your different number format, go you!
  9. Yea this is great news Rocket, I can't wait, this will be pretty amazing. Its probably a bad idea that you posted this on the public forums though. In about 2 weeks WarZ will now have all kinds of diseases LOL. I guess it will finally give the WarZ Devs something different to do with the 8 different kinds of medical suppies in the game, for apparently little to no reason?!? Still don't understand why there is such variety when they all do the same damn thing. But I guess that also makes a perfect excuse for them once they copy it. "We always planned on having all these diseases and an in depth medical system, that is why we have 8 different kinds of medical supplies." Yup I can see it all now. Instead you should just put troll ideas public just to troll WarZ as they copy everything, like say the standalone will have magical flying zombies that shoot rainbows out their eyes or something ridiculous LOL. Or five magical rings that together summon CAPTAIN PLANET to run around and kick people in the nuts like the Ted Turner / Captain Planet Robot Chicken episode. So bad it is funny!
  10. I don't see a note in there to require Toolbox to place wire fencing and tank traps, that should be in there and entrenching tool for sandbags, but good work! awesome job guys thanks!
  11. poisonman

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    All you need to do really is make barbed wire, and tank traps only deploy-able if you have a toolbox, and sandbags only deploy-able with the entrenching tool, and also rework the code so you can't place them indoors and it would be fine. Also make it so they can't be placed / clipped into walls / the ground / floors / etc etc, so they are always completely visible so you can remove them with a toolbox (or entrenching tool for sandbags) easier.
  12. poisonman

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Something about Rocket releasing the game in March from Mt Everest's peak and then being the not only the first DayZ player in the standalone but the first MAN to game / play DayZ from Top Mt Everest... I know it sounds crazy, but I mean comon its Rocket, he is a beast, like Chuck Norris 2.0.
  13. This is by far the greatest Rocket post ever LOL
  14. poisonman

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Fraggle is correct, my post was a jab at AADiC. lol You can't insult the beans, I mean comon, just look at that avatar, you just want to give it a hug.
  15. its based off CD key Edit: so yes it will be the same character
  16. poisonman

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Hacking is probably the #1 most asked question, and Rocket has answered it almost as many times as it has been asked about, I think he answered it 3 times in the this thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38476-the-one-line-questions-for-rocket-thread/page__st__300. Use the search feature for the love of god.
  17. poisonman

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    wow basic human laziness and stupidity at its finest.
  18. poisonman

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Wipe Dat Shit Yo!
  19. poisonman

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    All I have to say about that is LOL, that and wake up!
  20. Some of my suggestions are already listed in this thread which is awesome, I had a few more good ones in my own suggestion thread I made a few months back as well though. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15383-poisonmans-crazy-idea-wishlist-thread/#entry155704
  21. poisonman

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Arma 2 and Arma 3 use the same engine, so once Arma 3 is finished and released I'm more than sure Dean could patch the DayZ standalone engine to used any of the Arma 3 updates that he wants. Since all three games will be using the Real Virtuality Engine I'm sure this can be done once Arma 3's engine / game is complete and released.
  22. poisonman

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I guaranty we will hit over 1 Million Unique Players before the end of August, Good Work Rocket, I really hope you go out and celebrate a bit when you hit 1 Million, you deserve it buddy! :)