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Everything posted by VitaminK

  1. God not this shit again. Just no.
  2. If the vehicle gets destroyed you lose all your gear. If you save it and someone takes it you lose all your gear. Saving only keeps the items in the vehicle until someone, ANYONE takes the items or the vehicle.
  3. VitaminK

    Looking for extremely serious group

    Fun fact, a lot of non-hive servers arent rented. Also, why so serious?!
  4. VitaminK

    Great firefight in Elektro last night

    Yeesh what are we coming to when people think that is a long story? Oh and this.
  5. Yea I meant to say he wasnt NOT looking for pvp... was typing too fast. Since it was your post that seemed to think he didnt want it... Also I really dont like server with 50~ people on them. I prefer 30 or less,usually because I'm alone and don't feel like getting rushed by a horde of zeds. Different stroke for different folks though.
  6. VitaminK


    I hate it, used to love being on a hill top or in a heli and seeing for a loooong ways, now no matter what it just looks drab the entire time, rain or shine...
  7. VitaminK

    Vehicle headlights unrepairable?

    Yea you cannot repair broken headlights sadly.
  8. VitaminK

    Alternate Databases?

    Yes there are plenty that still exist and they have plenty of active players.
  9. Server Admins can. Although I think latest DayZ may do it automatically.
  10. Most of those you can explain by this simply being in ALPHA. A couple I would like to see though, weapon jams for instance would add to the game in a couple ways I think. Also attacking with fists/knife would really help out when you spawn.
  11. VitaminK

    What the hell is a "private" HIVE?

    Wow. You do realize Rocket is just using the work of Arma right? I for one like to mess around / mod basically every game I play, DayZ being no different.
  12. VitaminK

    What the hell is a "private" HIVE?

    Private servers use their own form of the database so they do not need to connect to the official hive. Drawback being whatever you do stays just on that server. That not neccesarily being a drawback to everyone.
  13. I've had it happen before while not being in shock or anything, game has bugs so I just take it as this being in Alpha. Also respawned after I died once and spawned unconcious for 5 minutes, that was kind of annoying.
  14. VitaminK

    Lost the best loot ive ever seen..

    Another reason private servers have an edge, save things pretty much immediatley.
  15. VitaminK

    Awesome being a bandit!

    After witnessing events like this I no longer care if someone says they are friendly or not. People lie, especially bandits.
  16. Agreed. There are forums for hosting private servers just like this... But yes google is your friend.
  17. I believe Rocket even said the zombies are not meant to be hard, just a 'hazard' when playing/surviving.
  18. Pretty sure he didn't say he wasn't looking for PvP. Plus there are quite a few flaws with having ever server you join have the same gear/location, I dont think I need to get into that though.
  19. VitaminK

    Not playing DayZ until it's fixed.

    OP if that is your frame of thought then it will be quite some time before you come back to DayZ.
  20. VitaminK

    let me put hatchet in secondary weapon slot.

    Well considering once you fire that 1911 off you're going to get swamped and the fact that you drop your gun on the ground when you swap it for a hatchet... if it went into your bag I would agree with you. Even better have 1 slot on your belt reserved for a pistol or you could shoulder your main would be nice.
  21. There are quite a few that dont use official hive so theres really nothing at all they can do.