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Everything posted by VitaminK

  1. VitaminK

    All the hacker posts you make.

    Well I agree with ya, its just people venting and they should do that elsewhere.
  2. VitaminK

    Stuck in loading

    Best guess, they dont know what is causing it yet so they arent going to comment on it until they know exactly what is going on... would be nice to hear it's at least being looked at though..
  3. VitaminK

    Stuck in loading

    What the hell are you talking about? I said use the search because there are so many other threads with the exact same title. I said nothing about you knowing what the actual issue was. Try reading next time before giving a smartass response.
  4. VitaminK

    Stuck in loading

    There are atleast 7 other threads discussing this. Here is most recent. Try searching in the future. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/12-troubleshooting/ There is no fix for it currently as it is a problem with the hive, you can play on private hive server until there is a fix but this has been going on for a couple weeks and once your character gets stuck theres nothing you can do.
  5. VitaminK

    Stuck at loading screen

    Well it definitely has something to do with the hive, I wouldnt be surprised if that is right that character on hive is corrupt. Right now until it's fixed you can play on private hive servers.
  6. VitaminK

    FPS Issues?

    Guessing laptop? CPU is gonna be your bottleneck, graphics card is ok but not too far behind your CPU...
  7. Arma II is CPU intensive, especialy since its single thread.
  8. VitaminK

    Stuck at loading screen

    Hoping someone can shed light on wether this is being worked on or not..
  9. Uhm yes, yes there is. Simple searching will show you..
  10. VitaminK

    Stuck at loading screen

    Hopefully that means we'll get some word on the issue. Hopefully..
  11. Google search private dayz server. Or PM me.
  12. VitaminK

    Stuck on Loading

    Obviously this has become quite a problem yet we have heard nothing official on this yet...
  13. VitaminK

    Stuck on Loading

    I have version but I'm playing on servers...
  14. VitaminK

    Cheater - Logged under new GUID

    There are good keygens out there that actually work for official hive..
  15. You're doing it wrong, very wrong. Try barns, deer stands, apartment complexes, school/office building, and there are plenty of houses you can loot.
  16. VitaminK


    At least a handful of people experiencing this problem, wish we could get some official word on it..
  17. VitaminK

    Stuck on Loading

    I've got the same problem, haven't found a fix yet, have tried everything suggested.
  18. VitaminK

    how to turn global chat on

    This. And go private hive, you can set server rules to whatever you want. I have side chat enabled on my server. Great sense of community on the server.
  19. VitaminK

    Load times are getting worse

    While that may help a LITTLE a big part of the problem is arma 2 is single threaded...
  20. VitaminK

    Load times are getting worse

    Instead of walking around the problem with the latest patch to prevent server hoppers/ dc'ing for respawn they seriously need to implement wiping of dead character data, I can guarantee 90% of the shit in the database is from that...
  21. VitaminK

    Stuck at loading screen

    Bah at least I'm not the only one...
  22. While I agree we are here to test the mod you are totally wrong if you think Rocket doesnt want people enjoying their playtime while they are here... Try looking at about any of his interviews. Yes there are a handful or unreputable ones but there are definitely more that have BE enabled and/or custom anti-cheat emplaced. Also for private servers it doesnt show in the server list if it is actually running BE or not. I run BE and it doesnt say I am... even better way to catch cheaters tbh.
  23. VitaminK

    BattlEye Client Issues

    Similar issue but using combined ops not 2 seperate downloads... Anyone got a fix?
  24. VitaminK

    Loot inflation.. what can be done?

    No but the problem is people who dont dupe still kill people who do and take their weapons, its just an endless cycle.