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Everything posted by korten

  1. korten

    New days intro ^^

    That is a god-awful song...
  2. korten

    [Trade] Lf various stuff

    If I were you I would get their steam details, leave the item in a hidden cache then go to them with no gear. Pickup their item, log-off and tell them the cache location. Really the only way to do it without them just putting a tail on you/killing you out-right.
  3. Of course it promotes co-operation. you're co-operating with your Eve mates to survive, are you not?
  4. korten

    [Trade] Lf various stuff

    This couldn't possibly go south...
  5. Sent an app, hope to see you guys in-game.
  6. Rocket already has a post stating he has one made, he's just waiting for beta to put it in.
  7. Of course there is, there is nothing special about Chern and Elektro
  8. korten

    Full graphic DayZ?

    I strongly recommend keeping post-processing off, even if it goes against the whole "full graphics".
  9. korten

    Spawn dieing for no reason?

    Did you by any chance alt+f4 a server after you started getting shot at?
  10. korten

    ArmA 2: Combined Operations

    Can't you just download the .iso's of the game and not what i'm guessing is a 3rd party installer.
  11. Anyone else waiting for the rage from people who didn't read the patch notes? :D
  12. You think killing plebs in elektro makes you an "Elite Bandit"?
  13. korten

    I really like DayZ, but...

    Bohemia Interactive isn't like EA, they're not going to change ARMA because of a mod...
  14. You guys do realise he works for them? Right?
  15. korten

    the fly

    Just hide their bodies...
  16. korten

    Oceanic Server Discussion

    Well the second option would be more cost-effective. Are you looking for a certain number of donations?
  17. korten

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Then I think you got a bad case of "wrong place at the wrong time" Either that or you drew a bandits attention somehow (flares, gunfire etc.). These threads are pretty pointless anyways, there's more pressing things to work on than bandits at the moment.
  18. korten

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    You know how you avoid getting shot in the back randomly, you constantly assess your surroundings and don't run in the open. Before you go near a town, zoom in and see if any zeds have spawned. When approaching anywhere interesting look for areas where someone could be lurking. It's really not that hard.
  19. korten

    A plea for more servers!

    Has anyone in Aus contacted Internode in regards to making a Dayz server now AEF's is down? The fact that AEF's was constantly full should be enough to prove that it wouldn't go un-used.
  20. korten

    A plea for more servers!

    I can safely say I would definately donate to an Aus/NZ server. I refuse to play with 250 ping.