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Everything posted by Mcc83

  1. Mcc83


    Not for now, I would wait to hunt larger animals such as cows or boars, but as of now, i am pretty sure rabbits are on steroids and are invincible.
  2. Mcc83

    Handcar! (Rail Roads)

    Yes! Possibly smack on some iron steel platers providing protecting but slowing down max speed. Again if your working with a teammate it will work faster. Of course these will mainly be on the coast, so you use them mainly as a fresh spawn that way if you get sniped, the snipers wont get any decent gear, all they get is the satisfaction of killing, which is mainly what they look for... anyways, if you do get sniped you wouldn't lose to much stuff unless your geared up. Its a choice the player should make, risk it or not, if I was geared out, I would just run in the tree line to where I needed to go then get on a hand car, but no gear at all is a completely different story.
  3. Mcc83

    Handcar! (Rail Roads)

    Sorry, trying to fix the thread now. Edit-Fixed the thread!
  4. Mcc83

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    Perhaps less guns but more different types. If that makes any since, so there is a variety of guns but at the same time, you don't have a full server armed with machine guns.
  5. Mcc83

    People mention claymores...

    Maybe some blue prints to make a low grade claymore or bouncing betty from ww2 design, something like that. with a delay for an explosion and stuff
  6. Mcc83

    JfK (Just for Kicks) are Recruiting

    Thought this said just for kids... :3 Oh well, sounds interesting, a nice twist from the average military clan. Good luck!
  7. Mcc83

    What the fucking shit?!

    Yes, the same thing happened to my friend, he walked into the fire station and fell through the second floor breaking both his legs. point being, if something stupid like this happens more than 3 times, Rocket should look into it, after all it is the same place (Fire station) Sorry to hear you had ran all that way to die...
  8. http://forums.dayzga...erclan-warfare/ IP A pair of clan warfare servers, Chernarus Epoch and Taviana Epoch.
  9. http://forums.dayzga...erclan-warfare/ IP A pair of clan warfare servers, Chernarus Epoch and Taviana Epoch.
  10. Mcc83

    The Black Watch - Recruiting Mature Members

    http://forums.dayzga...erclan-warfare/ IP A pair of clan warfare servers, Chernarus Epoch and Taviana Epoch.
  11. http://forums.dayzga...erclan-warfare/ IP A pair of clan warfare servers, Chernarus Epoch and Taviana Epoch.
  12. Mcc83

    Group to play with

    http://forums.dayzga...erclan-warfare/ IP A pair of clan warfare servers, Chernarus Epoch and Taviana Epoch.
  13. Mcc83

    [BFL] DayZ Epoch Group

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/160929-chumbucket-taviana-epoch-serverclan-warfare/ IP A pair of clan warfare servers, Chernarus Epoch and Taviana Epoch.
  14. The Chumbucket Taviana Epoch Server! -------------------------------------------------------- This server owned by a clan known as LRRC or Lee Roy Rescue Crew LRRC owns 2 servers, one being the Taviana Epoch server and the other being a Chernarus Epoch server. Both are Clan war servers, meaning clan warfare is advised, we also welcome Lone Wolves for those that believe they can take out clans by themselves. This is a PVP server! -------------------------------------------------------- IP ------------- Scripts: Self-Bloodbage, Tow/Lift, AI-Missions, Vehicle Stations, Suicide, God-Mode Traders, Indestructible Bases, and much much more! Clans that play on both servers: NCR, CR3, LRRC, UCR, and hopefully many more! (just to name a few!) -------------------------------------------------------- Rules: NO Hacking NO Exploiting/Cheating Clan Warfare is Advised (Yes thats a rule!) Banditry encouraged Have fun! ------------------------------------------------------- This server is less than 24 hours old in the process of posting this thread, meaning most vehicle spawns are UNTOUCHED, We hope that many players will come on and play with us! We do support PVP in hopes to spike clan warfare. If you are bringing a clan onto the server please reply to this thread so we can add you to our clan list. We hope to see you all there, good luck and happy hunting!
  15. Mcc83

    Looking to Play with some Folks

    Hi thecman! New California Republic Clan! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/150735-new-california-republic-tactical-military-realism-group-recruiting-now-vanilla-epoch/ (Much more information on the Threat Above!) We are a fairly new clan and growing strong, we offer many things including our own Dayz Epoch server! Please check us out! You wont regret it.
  16. New California Republic Clan! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/150735-new-california-republic-tactical-military-realism-group-recruiting-now-vanilla-epoch/ (Much more information on the Threat Above!) Please check us out Stiptikspec! We would be happy to have you.
  17. New California Republic Clan! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/150735-new-california-republic-tactical-military-realism-group-recruiting-now-vanilla-epoch/ (Much more information on the Threat Above!)
  18. Mcc83

    [RC] Clan/Group Recruiting Now !

    Name: Mike Username: Mcc83 Skype Username Or Teamspeak3 Username: Mcc83 Age: 15 Timezone: Central (GMT-6) Rank ( List Why ) : Probably a Sergeant or Corporal due to the fact I know how to lead teams and squads, my experience in Dayz and Epoch, and so forth. Job ( List Why ) : Sniper/Elite Sniper: I have been using snipers since Arma first came out a few years back, and have always loved using them in Dayz, I might be taking a single person out, a car tire, or a whole squad, the sniper rifles always seem to do the job. Why Do You Want To Join Rape-Cage : Because i am hoping to find a clan where I can play dayz epoch.
  19. Mcc83

    epoch group wanted

    Sure Ill sign up, feel free to msg me via forums if you wish to team up.
  20. Mcc83

    Looking for Epoch clan members.

    Would love to play with you, feel free to msg me via the forums if you are interested in having me join with you.